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=VG= Renainn

VG Clan Member
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Posts posted by =VG= Renainn

  1. So I have a question for the MC gurus. My brother has many mods running for his server, what will happen if I add the mods used for the VG server?

    He has set up a Forge server so all the mods are actually on the client side, well most of them I think. Many are different than those used by VG.

    Any thoughts?
  2. News Flash News Flash!!

    I seen the helicopter this morning!! On the server we have been playing the last couple of nights.
    It was flying north bound at 006/065. I did a little scouting of that area, but only found an empty tent.
    I will scout more tonight when the server is in night time.

    This server is the one in which we have 2 bicycles, 2 atvs, a 4x4 truck, and a destroyed S104 van. :)

  3. Managed to get most of my gear back. I ran across a motorcycle south of Sober. By the time I returned with a jerry can, someone had destroyed it. About that time I thought I heard a car in my alleyway. I turned down my sound and the car noise faded, so I turned it up.
    There was a guy driving around in one of those beat up 4 person cars. He was halling ass and running over zombies!
    Got a M16A2 w/M203 out of the tents at Soboy or what ever the spelling is. :)
    Cya later!
  4. So last night I log on for a bit to find Pig having a great many issues! Apparently he found an ATV, when he got in it, it exploded! So he lost many nice items. When I logged on he was attempting to find gear at Devils Castle. I had plenty of extra medical equipment so I met up with him and gave him first aid. So he is now on the road to recovery. e did find a crashed helo. All it had was a M107 with 2 mags. Too much for us to carry.

    Both are logged north of devils castle.
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