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Everything posted by Tops1

  1. Hello to the community! I'm based in Australia (Straya!) and want to jump on the veterans gaming discord for some BMS. I'm well set up to play HOTAS/Trackir/desk mounts, and keen to have a fly and some fun. I know how to play BMS quite well but would like to improve with people as an AI Campaign doesn't suit me anymore. I was a member of Vet Gaming last year but it was on the same day as my regular hockey games and that's a commitment I wasn't able to let the team down for. Can play outside of hockey season though. I can mk point bombs, ccrp, a2a BVR etc. I recently read Vipers in the Storm and Inside the Turn Circle, enjoyed those books a lot. Anyway that's it. Are things starting up in the New Year for a rolling fire Korea campaign? Cheers, Tops
  2. Hello! I joined the discord server for vet gaming - to play BMS, work commitments and other activities kept me busy so I backed off and left the discord server. I'd like to reconnect with the group as I've actually time to play now. I'm sorry I had to leave really, but want to get back in asap. Could someone send me an invite to the discord server @kavelenko or @Mokum or whoever? Cheers, Gravy1
  3. @Kavelenko Yep that was me. I'm "Snipe" on there.
  4. Just joined discord channel - unfortunately nobody is on the BMS voice channels. When are people usually online, is it casual timing generally and/or is there a period when people tend to play more, scheduled meets at regular times? Thanks Gravy
  5. Thanks for the welcome! Will check out the discord. Cheers
  6. Also... looking for a timezone that fits with Australian timezone roughly - I'm GMT+10 Sydney.
  7. Hello =VG= Air Force I'm Gravy1 from NSW Australia. I enjoy a variety of flight sims DCS, IL-2 BoX. I started playing BMS single player as I heard it was a "Big War" Dynamic campaign, I reckon that multi player is where its at though so found out about this group through a discord channel. I like a mix of A/A or A/G mishes. Enjoy the TGP and LGB CCRP runs. Can do a ramp start etc. I play field hockey on weekends, and enjoy martial arts; reading military history and general history and literature. Love flight sims since I got into them about two three years back. BTW is there a discord server for VG? Cheers, Gravy
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