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Posts posted by chrisi123

  1. ok guys i am very sorry about all the confusion going on here! i was away yesterday and returned today. seems like there are some questions and i am going to update the post so everyone is ok. so again the event will be on friday the 27. of july 2012 hehe.

    @ blud haha didn't know that sorry. but this time we are going to play the us army!

    @poff yeah the mods are on the server i think but not the mission. going to do my last tests today and then it's ready to go.
  2. so guys.

    we are going to search several villages.
    and there will be napalm. much napalm! hehe

    Situation: we have intel that says that we have some villages in the Plei Ly wich hide vietcong weapon caches. our objective will be skimming designated villages in our operation area. also we will have some boys of the 9th helldogs engenier battalion to blow founded caches in pieces. we will get airsupport from hueys and an a-1 skyraider.

    Objective: search & destroy enemy chaches in villages. arrest the villagers if they have caches. when they flee you have free firing

    Area: intel says there will be less resistance (you know how much you can trust intels... /ironie off) hehe
    aream is flat and wide open. good place for a line formation

    map information will follow!

    start: friday 27/07 17:00 GMT

    Confused Master(maybe)

    Bufallo1 pilot: Semler
    Gunner: Blud

    Tiger Den(skyraider) pilot: Poff

    Squadleader: Charry
    Rifleman: Gaz
    Rifleman: Confused Master
    Rifleman: Terremer
    Rifleman: Wooz
    Machinegunner: Speirs
    Radioman: Savage
    Medic: Pvt. Pirate
    Engineer: Outlanders

    if there are more signups then slots i will add slots.

    modfiles needed:
    @brg_africa(included in mbg_nam)
    and as always @CBA :)
  3. hey guys,
    i was thinking about making a campaign with the vietnam mods. i'm really excited that many of you liked it. yes yes, it was very chaotic. but hey it was my first mission ever and from now i am thinking about some formations in the jungle and out of the jungle. i read calv's suggestion and thought about slightly changed formations of his idea. now what i want from you guys is, if i should make a campaign. also i want some suggestions what can be changed and so on. maybe some ideas of missions like base defending or any other type. just type in what ever you want!

  4. Pvt. Pirate LAN_WROTE ...

    darn, cant connect to the TS3. i really would've loved to join and do whatever might help the mission, but i cant connect. i hope nobody will be mad at me.

    i hope all you guys make it back to basecamp and i can buy all of you a keg of beer. sorry i was too long on the loo and missed the chopper. why the hell did i put in the request for chili con carne in the cantina... hope the major doesnt punish me with latrine duty... again

    HAHAHA pirate ok nice :D next time i'll kill you if you don't appear
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