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About PanamanianDevil
- Birthday 03/20/2012
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United States
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LAN_WROTE ... Same time every week, next week we will be using the ACE mod aswell. The signup thread for that will probably be up between Mon-Wed. Thanks for the info. I'll have to do some research on how to install the ACE mod with the Steam version of Arma 2. Believe it or not, I've never installed a mod. I've always been extremely critical of any kind of modification. I always worry it'll mess up my game or worse. But I've got some friends of mine encouraging me to do so as well. I just may give in. I'm the kind of guy who won't even install a demo because the thought of having it leave registry entries or folders behind after uninstall bothers me. LOL
Sounds like the ingredients to teamwork to me.
Outlanders =VG= LAN_WROTE ... Right. Thanks. No problem. Hopefully we can hook up and toy around with it. It looks like it could be a decent mod.
Ok, I believe they finally worked it out. If you don't see if for sale... refresh or even clear your cache. It should be available now.
Steam has been trying to release Iron Front for about an hour now. It keeps appearing in duplicate, then it appears with pricing, then it goes away. It's hillarious. I saw it for $26 then it dissappears by the time I try to buy it. It appears under New Releases at the moment with no ability to purchase it. I finally managed to buy it through the Steam client. When it appeared as a duplicate, I clicked the top one and was actually presented with the price of $26.99 and was able to complete the purchase. I imagine they'll get it fixed in a few moments.
Is anyone looking at this title? It releases tomorrow on Steam and is a WW2 mod from the Arma 2 engine.
Calv LAN_WROTE ... PanamanianDevil LAN_WROTE ... I'd be interested in some organized gameplay. When are you guys running this mission? Saturday 26th, 19:00 GMT. (This post was made at 15:55 GMT if it helps with any timezone issues.) Thanks for the reply Calv. I'm afraid I've committed to a cook-out at my sisters house during that time. If I converted it right, that converts to 2pm EST. I'm usually available on Saturdays but this being Memorial Day weekend, I actually made plans for a change. I'll keep checking the forums because I'm really anxious to play some Arma 2 again.
I'd be interested in some organized gameplay. When are you guys running this mission?
Ok, it took me several hours to figure this out but here's my quick start guide. This is how you missile lock using the SHKVAL to kill ground targets withOUT using the Helmet Hud. ( I have no Track IR yet ) Missile Targeting with the Shkval W + Alt - Turn on Master Arming O - Uncage Shkval RShift + O - Turn on IR Laser 5 - Turn on Mapping System (ABRIS) N - Select Moving Ground Target Y - Select Outward Stations (outward missiles) S - Select Burst Length Short / Medium / Long RAlt + Hat Button - Align the yellow line on the ABRIS (watch the map screen first) and bring it to about the middle of the blue circle (the target area) The end of the yellow line on the ABRIS indicates where your camera (and IR laser) is physically pointing, so you want to point the camera in the target area before searching for targets on the actual tv screen. RAlt + Hat Button - (now watch the tv screen in the middle) Find your target with the Shkval = - Zoom in the Camera of the Shkval (optional) Enter (or designated flight stick button) - Lock the target (when you have a successful lock a "TA" will appear in the SHKVAL screen meaning Target Acquired) Maneuver the helicopter (while looking through your HUD) and place the HUD missile indicator (a large green circle) over the target lock (indicated by a smaller green circle) and Fire for Effect! I warn you, this is very addictive and very fun. Watch the TV screen (Shkval) for your rewarding explosion! Automatic Cannon Targeting with the Shkval W + Alt - Turn on Master Arming (upper center console) O - Uncage Shkval RShift + O - Turn on IR Laser P - Turn on Automatic Gun Tracking (better performed stationary) N - Select Moving Ground Target A - Set Auto Weapons Control Switch to Automatic (C appears on HUD) C - Select Cannons LCtrl + C - Select Cannon Round HE / AP (upper center console) LShift + C - Rate of Fire Setting S - Weapon Mode Switch Short / Medium / Long LCtrl + F - Set Weapon System Mode Selector Mov / Fix / Man / Fail / Nav (left lower console) (Note: default is already Mov) RAlt + Hat Button - Find your target with the Shkval (watch the tv screen in the middle) = - Zoom in the Camera of the Shkval (optional) Enter (or designated flight stick button) - Lock the target (when you have a successful lock a "TA" will appear in the SHKVAL screen meaning Target Acquired) Maneuver the helicopter and line up the target lock (indicated by a small green circle) within the HUDs large rectangle area and Fire for Effect! You now now actually fly through the target area and really mess up the locked target fast!
Well just POP on in Hey thanks for the invite. I just may pop in for a bit. Right now I'm planning to get into Black Shark 2 over the weekend. But I wouldn't mind some ARMA 2 either.
rockape LAN_WROTE ... yah. i have a10 but not got into it much lately. and i use to fly blackshark with the 104th vfs a couple of yrs ago when it came out. not got BS2 tho. does BS1 still work online with ver2/a10?? No. You gotta get Blackshark 2 to play multiplayer with the new DCS Warthog servers. I've been really really really interested in this for a while, but I don't know if I can ever learn all of this by myself. I've been teetering on the fence on whether I should get a Track IR which I know I'll need for anything flight sim. related, but my confidence (after seeing the 371 page manual) has kept me from purchasing and trying it. If I ever did learn this, I have a feeling that I'd be hooked on all things flight sim-related for years to come. I'm right there with you. I had the original Black Shark but didn't get into it much because frankly I was on my own. Now with Warthog being released on Steam and the new influx of players, I'm more inclined to spend some time to learn Black Shark 2 with friends.
Hey if you schedule this in the VG Steam group, not only does it convert the time for everyone's who's in the group, it'll pop up a Steam notification when they open their Steam account showing the event. I wouldn't mind popping in and playing a little bit of Arma 2 this Saturday.
Holy crap, that's a lot of settings to remember. I can see this is going to take awhile.
Wow that looks cool as hell. I've always wondered why BI didn't make that possible in the first place.
Iffn LAN_WROTE ... still, might be true they made the joke before and they are definitely working on it Oh really. Ok. I'm into a lot of other titles now anyway. LOL I've got too many games and not enough time to play them all.