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Posts posted by -WCC-B0zZz3

  1. dman248 LAN_WROTE ...

    Wow, i was just joking with badploy about how i get no hello when i go to talk to them, i don't care if they don't talk to me, i told badploy that i was joking about it, and sparky was there too talking about it. Doesn't matter to me whether you say hi to the people who are trying to talk to you or not.

    Then I don't appreciate your sense of humor. Badploy had a private conversation with me this morning about this and it has been bothering me all day. I can see how you are trying to joke arround but when you joke arround on someone elses expense there is going to be consecvenses. I been sitting here all day thinking to myself what I can do to redeem myself and now it all turned out to be some joke so you can understand my frustration. Good this got brought up, now we can learn from this and move on.

    Im sorry if you felt ignored but I swear to God it has not been on purpose. You are a nice guy, good player and a great assett to the VG rooster.

    All the best

  2. Greetings VG members, members and guests.

    It has come to my attention thru Badploy that certain invudials has joined my channel and Ive been talking Swedish with one of my fellow squad mates. It may come to a suprise to sertain people that Im in fact a Swede. This will cause me to refer to my native laungage in certain scenarios. Even when I play with a none speaking swede I may sometimes put out a bad word of swedish when I die in game but that's instinct or natural habbit sort to say.

    Also when I speak to my fellow swedes Moranissen or Loppan or anyone else of the scandinavian players. We naturally speak swedish cause it's our native laungage and it's all natural for a swede to talk swedish to his fellow country men. We all come from a backround where we have been playing in ENGLISH speaking clans for most of our gaming carreers. So it comes naturaly for us to switch in beetween from swedish to english. This is why this comes to such a SUPRISE for me and it has really made me quite sad. I am thinking to myself what could have caused this and I blame noone but myself.

    I say this from the bottom of my heart. I am TRULY and MOST SORRY if I have OFFENDED someone cause that has truly not been my goal. I am a nice and open person with a big heart.

    Veterans gaming has grown big over the last 6 months and flood of new playes seems never to stop coming. Maybe this is was has caused the problem, that I haven't had the chance to play or meet everyone yet. For people who do not know me I can say this that if I hear someone come in to my channel I instantly change my launguage. It may happend that you as a person joins the channel when we are in the middle of a intence gaming session, you know how it is. When you join a channel you never know what's going on.

    Also I tend to go afk without changing my status to get the phone and that way it may appear as Im there when I truly ain't. Im not that kind of person that would sit there and just IGNORE someone. Im pretty sure the great people here can put in a good word on that.

    If I have a problem with a person, whatever it may be I talk to the person directly instead of letting someone else know about it, even in real life. So in the future just come to me and speak your mind. Im a nice person and I promise that I will take heed in your call. If that's not your style of approach you can send me a PM here on the site. I check the site everyday on a regular basis.

    Once again I APOLOGIZE for any missunderstandings or if anyone got OFFENDED.

    But I will NOT apologize for speaking my native laungauge.

    See you on the battlefield.

  3. Iffn LAN_WROTE ...

    The conflict isn't about North vs. South Korea, it's an other part of the politics between China and the US.

    Since the end of WW2, there were always many US-Troops in the west pacific and there are still many US-bases in Japan, South Korea and the Pilippines.

    That's why China tries to prevent a united, americanized Korea right at there front door.

    Actally according to Wikileaks China has notting against a unified Korea cause they don't trust North Korea anymore. They called North Korea a "threat to the world".
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