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Posts posted by Acer

  1. Hello everyone! This is just a notification about my disappearence.

    I've been active on Veterans Gaming server and Teamspeak for a good year and a half now, and i've gotten in good contact with a whole lot of awesome people during this period. I became active on both the Insurgency server and teamspeak to just be a somewhat active social guy, but i felt more and more a part of the community and ended up going more hardcore.

    Some of you may already know this,but i have been waiting for a long time know for one special thing that really keeps me going, and it's time is here.

    As the previous saturday event was probably my last for Veterans Gaming, i would like to say thank you to all that participated and that event one to remember. I've really learnt alot that i will take with me further in life.

    So what this comes down to is that i'm joining The Army. I'm Leaving for selection next saturday. Because of the part of the army i signed up for, it's impossible to say when i'll have a break or some kind of vacation.
    The period lasts for 12 months, and after those 12 months i'm going straight into another selection. Although i said i will be gone for a long period of time, doesn't mean i will never be back on, but it's hard to tell when. It could be a month - 1 year.
    All in all: I feel like i'm a part of the Veterans Gaming community, even though i'm not a specified VG-member.
    I've created many strong bond, and you guys are people that i highly respect and look up to!

    I love you guys with all my heart and will never ever forget what you or what you've tought me!

    Biggest Salute
  2. Hello Jager!
    Gaz and Savage notified me about this post.
    First - Nice to see you!

    Second - Yes i think we were the only active norwegian players on the ARMA2 VG server

    Third - You can contact me on my steam "Mountnblade" or Teamspeak. I just recently got the new IP-adress for the teamspeak server + lacking activity on VG-forums made it difficult to stay updated.

    Hope to speak to you soon!
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