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About skydiver

  • Birthday 09/21/1969

skydiver's Achievements


Private (1/18)



  1. Ask on TS... u only need the Falcon4.exe file and not a full install of vanilla Falcon 4. The BMS installer only uses the Falcon4.exe to 'validate' then does the rest for you. Installing is the easy part!
  2. TAC-1...BMS will not install over F4AF, you will need the original Falcon 4.exe file which is the original vanilla version of F4. I'm sure the guys over on TS will sort you out. ;) Once you have BMS installed and updated it will blow you away, take over your life and cost you a small fortune! - enjoy....
  3. No M113 please! RG31 works great on MSO or even better (imo) Navistar Maxxpro MRAPs look the business....just sayin
  4. Just echoing what whiz said, good fun & training with acre / ace was cool. I'd like to do this again.
  5. Public insurgency server 23 / 24 December. Was a good round. Here we have Gaz...in it up to his neck.
  6. Server: vannilla insurgency Time: 8.00pm GMT Name: Teh_Pwnerer GUID: 942ec63439718a417042afa8af780bd0 Witnesses: Silver LIberation Army, Zork97, ME Lots of TK'ing around MHQ Evidence attached m'lud. thanks guys
  7. Server: public insurgency Idiots name: Thegamingcap Idiots ID: ee12145e873e740fc321613f2fcd334a Prolonged teamkillig and griefing at base etc etc etc
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