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Rev Cyanide

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  1. I know I ask myself the same thing since I've never introduced myself on the forums. I'll try my best. In between jobs at the moment, but I'm able a few hours a day.
  2. Hi everyone, Most of y'all know me, loved or despised, if you haven't played with me and a few of my notorious COOLINF squads since 2011, they are a lot of fun. Today was no exception with a badass round of Barracuda, did the rope assault on the supply depot and a cave water drop and shout out to Legionare-50 and the french squad for backing the "al attack". I'm in a little bit of a time in my life I can relax and play PR again regularly vice every two-weeks or so, but that won't be for long. Shout out to all the homies from years gone back, if y'all really want to talk to me, throw me a line on discord, I'm always available there and yes, I haven't posted on the forums in 4 years but I think everyone, and I checked and I never introduced myself this whole time. I know a lot of people hold me highly as a extremely competent squad leader and I do have a touch of ego, but that's all in the experience I put on for the group of people that I cater to, and what makes it fun for me to play, and I have a few people who look for me from time to time and those people I do my best for. But self promotion is not why I'm here. (But what would bring me on to the forums after such a long way away- last post in summer 2019) I saw this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hVa5LTCcVFg and watched it and sat there and thought about it, and YES, every point this person makes is true, and it is a very well done video, and I think everyone who wants to keep PR:BF2 rolling (which is me) should watch it. The maker didn't expressly address the co-op scene very well. Taking from the messages the creator made, but it is not hard to get the server primed during the EUTZ and then roll it forward through to the USTZ, but I've been noticing that it has been dropping off. Especially for a game that is currently F2P in these economic times, but even now the play trend is dropping, it is not hitting a full 40 and staying there any more. I have two responses to the community of PR:BF2 and VG if we want to keep the server rockin': If the community is going to bring in new players that want the hi-tactic/squad-level game-play without the frivolous nature that the new milsim games bring, we all need to start promoting the game, via word of mouth to players outside the game to come in an see what the fun is all about. Earlier, back in the spring both Co-op servers (SEA and VG) would easily on a weekend in EU/USTZ be both 40/40, but recently that has dwindled, (I have a suspicion why that was, and I don't want to get into it). Priming the server has been more difficult as of recent, and I think the primary issue has come down to lack of promotion of the game. While true that swaths of the player base has been migrating to other games, PR:BF2 fills a niche that its simplicity makes it an attractive game, even for its age, simple controls, lack of super modern graphics, and no-leveling up gameplay or dumb loot boxes. It is a great game, and the people around it are great, and I would like atleast a few more years of PR when other games have just simply folded. The video creator makes the spot on point that the servers are driven by their communities, and Co-op PR:BF2 is no exception. We do our best for the best gameplay and the community, VG is not plagued by bad admin practices or toxic community, its very good here, and that's why I come back and why I will promote this community if ever asked, but the need to expand the reach of VG and PR as a whole is what is needed if we are going to keep it healthy and alive. End on that topic. The second point, is recently the bots and maps have become more difficult which is great, and there has been times where I've had conversations with the admin team on map choices for ease of play on the co-op server with low player counts. This has been great challenge with cranking up and tuning the maps to be harder has been a good idea, however find issue with the new trend is that the there are less easy maps that can be played with ~12-16 players (Jabal, Qwai) were removed and I understand why and I agree those maps were too cake after a while but they had their place in the rotation and we could keep the server primed with those, but the community needs to work on a few maps that aren't as challenging at lower player counts so that the server doesn't stagnate, because if people see "That map is a toughie with 13 people on... oh boy... a meat grinder" some people may not join the server. I ask a few maps be created/reworked for lower player count numbers, that can still be fun to help with server priming. That's all I got to say about that. I have a closing thought. BF2:Vanilla was released on June 21st 2005 and EA ended ranked service June 30th 2014. That was 9 years and 9 days it was up. As of today October 19th 2022, and June 30th 2014 it has been 8 years, 3 months and 19 days. I want to see PR:BF2 make it beyond that 9 years and 9 days and beyond to show how ever lasting of a game that this has become and how awesome it is. That's all I got, I want everyone's feedback on the two things and want to thank everyone for their years of dedication to this game. I may go write a formal introduction post because I've never done one. It'll be great... Ciao for now.
  3. Hey =VG=, as I've said, I hate forums for gaming, so I'll make this brief: Last night (6/14/19) a heck of a lot of dudes from the 2013-2014 old days coop crew showed up and it gave a soft spot in my heart and a hard spot in my pants for all the awesome nights and great games we used to play and it made me really happy that there still is an interest from the old dudes. I can't be thankful enough for VG for keeping Coop PR alive. Thanks everyone and to each and every one of you marvelous bastards who keep this server running: Thanks. Some of the old guys who were there I have to give a loud and unruly shout out too in no particular order: tfloj jarVin007 TimeTooRock FoeHammer Golden_Days TABARNAC G'Kar CptHawk and the notorious m832us and respected asquirrel456 Guys, we had some good times. And I was plesantly intoxicated, and I wish you all the best. I'm so glad we had an improptu reunion, and if you have contact info for some of the older guy, please, grab them and lets all have more fun like we did over 5 years ago. Ciao for now. -Rev Cyanide_CN
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