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About Random

  • Birthday 01/02/1990

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Private (1/18)



  1. After failing to grasp the fancy dials and buttons of the f-18 I've decided to play it safe. In for Task Force 221 Marksman got your back Gaz
  2. Random

    MSO Loadouts

    For the DM have you thought about using the M14 RCO, not to difficult to engage targets up to 600m with. Leave Rifles such as the m110 or mk12 for the sniper roles (IMO 50. cal rifles are a bit overkill for a sniper)
  3. I quite like the Revive, gives players a second chance instead of having to find a way back to the AO. Unless you want dedicated pilots to ferry people back and forth but i can't see that happening in casual gameplay. However I do agree the timer is too long there's little risk at all and whilst you're in spectator it's too tempting to switch to thermal and and say to your buddies "hes behind you" I'm sure were all guilty of that one !kungfu !! @Ingo - I assume thats a subtle !flamed burn at myself for hopping in the F-16 last night. As I was on the ground on the eastern side of the river i was fully aware of the forces we were up against as Myself and 2 others were the first to die (joys of lovely spectator), at this point I decided to respawn at base as i was going to log, until i saw that 90% of the ground forces were down so i decided to hIt up some CAS to help clear out the many technical's so we could secure the area and get the wounded back up. I had previously mentioned on the long range that i was in the air but i assume as everyone was dead or dying I didn't get any response so i decided to line up a few cannon runs on the eastern side of the river to clear the technical's out. Once the threat had been dealt with i held in an orbit in the AO until Poff announced that all ground teams were RTB. Admittedly as there weren't many people left and you guyz were RTB i assumed that, that was it for today so i went into "silly" mode done a few low passes on you guyz driving home and flew off into the Sunset to burn the 6 AGM's i had left !mental Prior to that though i can't say that i wasn't using the CAS "correctly" apart from the fact that no1 asked for my help so i went and done it anyway as i believe those techies were putting us up shit creak a bit. Obv CAS should really wait until targets are marked by ground forces but in a situation where well over half the ground team are combat ineffective what sane pilot would just sit on his hand and let his buddies die?? If the situation had been different IE we already had CAS in the air or the ground team hadn't taken a large of amount of casualties i would agree that just hopping into the jet to light up the AO is pretty reckless however that was far from the situation. Either way me defending my actions is pretty worthless as there is probably going to be a rule that states Random isn't allowed to fly anything even the COLT at any time when we go public and the rules come down on us haha! PS. Personnally i have never noticed a substential enough drop in FPS whilst someone is in the air to consider removing air assets. !wild
  4. Have you ever thought about adding a way for players to easily parachute into the ao?? Similar to what was added onto the Domi server, were players would walk up to a flag pole, use the action menu, select parachute, click on the map and away you go falling through the sky haha.
  5. Would it be possible to turn on Air Patrol op's so that Pilot fags like myself have something to do when ground teams don't need any CAS?? **ALSO** Noticed that Apache has trouble re-arming the Gunner's weapons, it loads them back up to full and the goes back to 0, tryed everything i could think of, rearming from the gunner seat, using fire control in the pilot seat, the stationary rearm points and ammo trucks still the same effect.
  6. Those bad ass operators obv weren't operatory enough, on another note arma needs more snow
  7. After going through some of my old fraps footage i found this "lying" around (haha? !pardon ). This was from a few months ago during an ace domi session, from left to right is Gaz, Myself and Sparky topping up ours tans !beach whilst we wait for pick-up from yet another sucessful secondary mission !eatlead
  8. I learnt alot during the warmup, i think the exercise were we dodged rockets at point blank range will come in handy one day :P
  9. Dunno if you guyz have looked at a game mode called patrol ops before, its a "dymanic" mission gamemode were it will give you objectives like secure a town, or steal a tank etc and spawn enemies based on the amount of people that are playing on the server. But i think your domination server is doing quite well at the moment. Been on it twice since you put it up on saturday i think and both nights have had a good laugh, lots of fun and easy to coordinate.
  10. Alright cool cheers guyz, put me down for whatever role. Setting up my preset now and finger crossed ACRE should be fine. I may be pretty green but I'm no smurf haha cya on the field!!
  11. Heya guyz, been playing on your insurgency server for several months and more recently playing ACE with Jager and LAMBS. Is this OP open to anyone that signs up or VG members only??
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