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Insurgency ACE Roadmap + Bug Reports

=VG= .Blizzard.

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What needs to be added:

Vehicle Shop - (gain money by killing, in time and when destroying a cache);  Not needed (but it`s nice to have it stored somewhere)

Strict arsenal for both OPFOR and BLUFOR - only items strictly tied to side and no unreal 2035 items (rifles can stay, but no uniforms that are out of this world, nor vests and some backpacks);

A script that will save the gear no matter what you do (die, respawn) and is not tied to an addaction (and saves everything you had when you closed the arsenal or picked a kit from the loadout box). 




Please comment if you want something else to be added.



What needs to be fixed:

Caches sometimes don`t spawn;

Mission save like on the Liberation server where areas save when server restarts;

Fix respawn truck when blown and it respawns the ability to respawn on it is gone (Blow it and see what I mean);

Fix sometimes dead bodies or bodies from  disconnected players stay on the map;

Fix OPFOR version - make BLUFOR units - east and OPFOR units - independent (GUER);





Please comment if you have seen something else that needs a fix.


I would also require some help with these, it is very hard to fix this and by myself I can`t do all. If you want to help please let me know and I`ll add you into the admin team... if you aren`t already in. 





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