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BUG REPORTS / KNOWN ISSUES - Website WIP Upgrades Jan/Feb 2021 (post bugs here)

=VG= SemlerPDX

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Thank you all for your patience again, we will get everything working as it should in the coming days and weeks.  We are actively fixing, improving, and overhauling certain systems here at the VG website, and as a result, certain areas or elements may go offline or appear broken.  They are not, and you should not do anything yourself to try to fix any image or element of your own profile because they will continue to fail until we get our stuff sorted on the back end.  Your understanding is greatly appreciated during this transistion!

Currently Know Issues:

  • Member images and signatures may be messed up for a day or two while we get a new file hosting system in place to serve these files in a more distributed manner. Don't worry, don't bother trying to fix your signatures - they will pop back when it's all done.
  • Gallery or Club Image Uploads may fail or appear gray - this is under investigation and should be resolved soon.  The Clubs area is a test bed, but as we roll out those same tested features into other areas, it may foul up and appear broken to the user - but once everything is running, we'll ask anyone who's material is still broken to re-upload it.  For this reason, it may be best not to flood the gallery and downloads just yet with new files.  It should be resolved in a few days.
  • Page Load Times may be slow or elements on a page may pop-in, and this may also happen when systems are being worked on, or otherwise non-standard operation.  It will be resolved with the other issues, and will not be the norm... if our Homepage can't load in less than a second on an old laptop with a fair internet connection, then we'll keep improving it until it does.
  • Menus and locations of some items may change or move, so if you can't find something, feel free to ask.  If you have a suggestion for something, we are happy to take it under advisement - our goal is to take advantage of the newer features which cater to the new standards of wide monitors as well as new mobile features for better presentation on phones and tablets.  We'll be adjusting these things in the coming days and weeks to find what looks and works best.
  • Favicon may be changing or look odd - this is the icon that normally appears in the browser tab for a website (like the red play button icon for YouTube) and ours has seemingly hooked into the alternate version we created for our 'IPS mobile app' beta test.  We had hoped these would be separate, so the larger app style icon could have more detail while the webpage tab and bookmark style icon could remain as the recognizable 'VG' on a black camo square.  We'll be working to see what is possible with these in the coming days/weeks, too, and may even change the icon graphic to one of the other many alternates we mocked up.


Feel free to let us know if you find something broken or out of sorts that you are not sure if we know about - post up here so we can keep track of known issues in this first post.  Cheers! :drinks: 


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  • 2 weeks later...

Still have a few minor bugs, but most everything is sorted.  You'll notice one or two images not displaying, but luckily it's less than 1% of them.  Also, performance may be spotty, as pages or elements continue to load slower than normal, popping into view or having incorrect width and then popping to the correct width.  Any page or post with anything intensive will also be noticeably slow, such as an embedded video or feed, or larger image.

This will all be sorted soon!  With huge thanks to SolarFlame, we're fairly sure we found the issue, just a matter of hunting the source, then dragging it out behind the woodshed and burying it.

Again, thank you all for your patience while we make the VG Home Base into something that can stand for another ten plus years!  :tatice_06:

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