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PRESS RELEASE: Pre-E3 Livestreams for Arma 3 BETA

=VG= SemlerPDX

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Sneak peek at Arma 3 Beta in livestream

Prague, Czech Republic, Wednesday 29th May 2013

Gearing up for the E3 exhibition, the Arma 3 development team is hosting pre-E3 livestream hangouts ? offering a glimpse of what will be on display in Los Angeles. Both sessions are scheduled for 17:00 UTC on Saturday June 1 and June 8, and will be hosted on the official Arma 3 channel on Twitch.tv.

For the first livestream, on Saturday June 1 at 17:00 UTC, Mission Designer Thomas Ryan (supported by several others Arma 3 developers) will give a basic tutorial in scenario editing - using some of the weapons and vehicles from the upcoming Arma 3 Beta.

The second livestream, scheduled for Saturday June 8 at 17:00 UTC, consists of a playthrough of the brand new Combined Arms showcase mission, which is also scheduled for release in the Arma 3 Beta.

Both sessions are expected to take about one hour and will be streamed live from Bohemia Interactive HQ in Prague. The setting is casual and viewers are welcome to ask developers their questions via Twitch.tv chat and/or Twitter.

Last but not least, those who want to make sure they will not miss anything can already enlist for the official event via Arma 3?s Facebook page.

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Livestream presents Showcase Mission
from the Arma 3 Beta

Prague, Czech Republic, Thursday 6th June 2013

Live from Bohemia Interactive HQ, the Arma 3 development team will host a second pre-E3 hangout on Saturday June 8 at 17:00 UTC. Offering a sneak peek at the upcoming Arma 3 Beta, this official livestream on the official Arma 3 channel on Twitch.tv presents the Combined Arms Showcase ? available in the upcoming Arma 3 Beta. Altis, the 270 km? island from the full game, will also make a brief appearance.

Following a successful first livestream on scenario editing, Mission Designer Thomas Ryan and several other Arma 3 devs will do multiple playthroughs of the new Beta mission, placing an emphasis on the dynamic gameplay in Arma 3.

The session is expected to be about one hour and viewers are welcome to join the conversation on Twitch chat and Twitter.Those who do not want to miss out can already enlist for the official event via Arma 3?s Facebook page.

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