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ARMA II - In training


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great news man :) nothing like a new system... doe she purr? hehe.

in regards to training and mods, get ACE/ACRE up and running lol. and JSRS sound mod. blastcore visuals too. that combination will take Arma to the next echelon of game lol, really sets it off a treat.

if you catch me on TS3 at some point, give me a poke and see if we can get a little training game going just to get familiar with the game and the mechanics, and also go through ACRE if you do get it
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yeah if you need any help there's quite a few of us now that have arma, so just ask around and someone should be willing to get you set up.

Like murderface said, the main mods would be your ACE/ACRE, and JSRS/Blastcore visuals.

ACE is basically a 'realism' mod, it adds lots of features to Arma that enhance its gameplay and add 'realism'. It mainly adds on to base game mechanics such as guns, health system, stamina, vehicles, and vehicle interactions.

ACRE is a radio mod. If you've ever used Mumble for PR it's very similar concept wise. You connect ACRE to teamspeak, and your TS push to talk becomes local voice such as if you were talking normally. You then get a short radio to communicate with your squad up to about ~500 meters. Theres a few other radios for command/special teams that extend up to 5km, or more. The radios have working dials and buttons and its a nice way to add some realism to the communication.

JSRS is a great sound mod, no real explanation needed.
Blastcore visuals greatly enhances certain effects such as fire and explosions. A very good mod.

If you havent yet, i would recommended downloading SixUpdater. It lets you make presets with different selections of mods, and you can even make presets tied to a server that has the mods you need to connect to it. It also installs mods for you and keeps them updated. A very good tool, but can be intimidating at first.

As far as general maps and game types go:
We have a server running vanilla Arma2 on a map called Insurgency. This is very similar to PR insurgency in deployment, but coop. You kill enemies for intel, which gives a vague location of a cache, which you then proceed to find and destroy. Lots of urban combat in this game type.

There's another popular mission called Domination, which is more of a large scale operation including custom missions. These can be anything from occupying a town, to hunting a convoy or capturing an enemy CO. This is usually a bit more sandbox, with custom scripts to HALO jump anywhere on the map, the ability to requisition any vehicle, and such.

Theres plenty of custom maps and missions as well, the ability to make custom missions is largely what makes Arma so great.
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