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[poll] Arma 2 Ace insurgency

=VG= Ingo

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Yes! This was a very popular game mode, and with the new additions and improvements that ACE, ACRE, ShackTac HUD, and even Insurgency have received over the last year this could prove to be the next biggest thing.

We should be hosting i44 and/or Zombie game modes as events - for a persistant server, I strongly feel that ACE is the way to go. I'll personally release tutorial videos, and get us "synced" into the SixUpdater universe with help from Savage.
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For some reason I believe that a large amount of people that was playing on the insurgency server, never actually took the time to join the forums.
And I doubt they even know about the I44 Mod, how long did it take for people to discover the insurgency server?
Probably too early to discharge I44 on the account of low activity so far.

That aside though my clan long struggled with bringing in decent numbers for our Lambs (Land/Air Make It Go Booom Squad) nights, we would average 5 to 12 at the most but mostly 7-8.
I've always been of the mindset that I want to play with equal minded people as me so I contacted all the people I used to play insurgency with, and those who wanted to give it a go eventually joined.
Some joins in every Tuesday and others on the public matches we have at random times, in a short amount of time we went from barely being able to fill two squads to lacking space on some occasions.

My point is this, make a weekly event for the public with some structure lead by one of the admins. If it's a regular thing more people will join in, when / if things become popular you might have to worry about people joining in mid session but ace will stop some people ^^

At the moment I'm in contact with three european clans that plays arma, I could always spread the word around if such events becomes a reality.

Closing words.. Very positive to ace, have an entire wishlist for such a server :p
For the visuals I'd deffo want blastcore_visuals.
For ground troops sthud and stmovement is very nice.
And for the airplanes (if any) Blakes_pins for targeting and intel gathering, AM92_MFD for AH6 which is basicly a targeting hud on your helmet to improve accuracy as a helicopter pilot.
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Outlanders =VG= LAN_WROTE ...

ACE is amazing. But i think if we host it, we need one person, dedicated for it. For updates, maintenance and other things.

I am happy to donate my full attention to getting it up and running and keeping it so. We will also release a host of tutorials and training ops, as well as simplify all aspects of mod dowloading and syncing such as SixUpdater, and proper use of Armarize.

There are several others here who are also happy to dedicate themselves to getting this up and running.
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Calv LAN_WROTE ...

Couldn't connect to the I44 server, had everything installed/updated via sixupdater but still no joy. :(

I have deleted my keys, @i44 mod, and @CBA mod folders - and am currently using Six Updater to reinstall both (dang, big long test here at 2.5GB!)
Gonna get to the bottom of that error. Also, making SixUpdater basic tutorial including how to keep it from auto-updating to a non-stable release candidate instead of 2.8 (the current stable version).
Once we get our SixUpdater portal for our servers, joining any match we host should be as simple as choosing us in SixUpdater's Arma Server's list and clicking Install/Update/Join Server. Eazy Peazy. (of course, I always close SixUpdater, even though it only uses less than half a GB of RAM, Arma 2 uses 2GB, and I have 8 total). Needless to say, SixUpdater is an amazing tool, and in it's current version, a very easy to use, powerful piece of equipment for any Arma player!
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SemlerPDX =VG= LAN_WROTE ...

Needless to say, SixUpdater is an amazing tool, and in it's current version, a very easy to use, powerful piece of equipment for any Arma player!

yes its an amazing tool , i love it ,the old version (for ace on arma1) is complicated but the last one easy to install and configure.enjoy to playing ace on =VG=,see you later all
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Well if we're voting I'm gonna have to vote for I44 over ACE for the 2nd server. Do we think running ACE will bring more people to the servers? Don't get me wrong I love ACE but I don't think it's a solution if we're looking to increase server population.

Edit: I didn't realize the players numbers for I44 were so low.. too bad as it is such a good mod !crying
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