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PR : Campaign Episode I


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As your commanding officer I have drawn up some battle plans that I want the squad leaders and anyone else that is interested to read. OpFor players try not to study in detail our plans...


Firstly a note to everyone:

The mission is to find and a high value character in the city so don't kill everything you see and make sure to search your area to find him. Helicopter extraction points for the VIP have been marked on the map.

1. Mech INF :

Mech inf, you will lead the vehicle convoy to Suburbs then city center before breaking off and heading South to Residencies. Once captured at Residencies move on towards the hotel. I will try to keep one logistics truck in support of you as much as possible so feel free to ask for repairs anytime.

2. Regular INF :

You will follow up behind the Mech inf in the vechile convoy heading to Suburbs. Prefferably take 3 HMMWV incase one is lost in the fight. Capture Suburbs and City center, then set up defense at City Center until Mech Inf has captured Residencies. When Mech inf has captured Residencies move onto Junkyard.

3. Choppa crew :

1 Helicopter will be a dedicated transport for the Navy Seals whilst the second helicopter I will be using as a forward recon. Try to keep a minimum of 100m whilst flying, we don't want to lose any choppers on this mission.

4. Navy Seals :

As the navy seals you will be operating separate to the main assault force, capturing the outer suburbs in the order on the map. You will be inserted via helicopter and I will make sure there is always transport ready for you when you need it.

5. Logistics, aka Truck Boys :

At the start of the game you will follow up behind the vehicle convoy, and provide logistical support for the main battle force. Try to keep one truck in the field at all times in case we need vehicle repairs whilst in the field.

Fallujah West

1. Mech INF :

Pretty simple map, just follow the instructions.

2. Regular INF :

Follow the map, at the start of the game take the 2 HMMWVs to the South East of the compound. Don't forget at the Hospital they spawn underneath so maybe send half you squad underneath and the rest to cover the top.

3. Choppa crew :

If T.E.D.F. lets us you will probably take the two 1 man LAVs. If this is the case I will get one of you to support infantry (the first LAV to spawn) and the 2nd LAV will support the Navy Seals.

4. Navy Seals :

Follow the map, at the start of the game take the HMMWV within the compound.

5. Logistics, aka Truck Boys :

At the start of the game I will send one of you to support Mech INF and the other to support the infantry. Once again try to keep one truck in the field at all times in case we need vehicle repairs whilst in the field.


Fallujah West

1. Mech INF :

This map actually doesn't have APC/AAVs so chances are you will just take 2 of the HMMWVs found at the controlled sector (Take the two more Southern cars). Also have 1 person spawn at the airport and grab the transport HMMWV (We will need the extra transport to save the Seals/Pilots). Try to advance at the same rate as regular INF

2. Regular INF :

Take the 2 of the HMMWVs found at the controlled sector (Take the two more Northern cars). Try to advance at the same rate as Mech INF

3. Choppa crew/Navy Seals

Whilst you are allowed to advance to the West since there is not many of you and you will be surrounded, my suggestion is to find cover in a building and hold out until reinforcements arrive. (This is the more realistic thing to do anyway)

5. Logistics, aka Truck Boys :

At the start of the game remember 1 truck spawns in the Controlled sector and the other at the airport so organize well who is taking what before you spawn.

Fixed picture sizes - TEDF

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As your commanding officer I have drawn up some battle plans that I want the squad leaders and anyone else that is interested to read. OpFor players try not to study in detail our plans...

So now Sparky knows exactly where to place his IED's !rofl

I do much appreciate a commander looking ahead of things and forge a battle plan, but let me make some suggestions:

- make a second plan (and don't tell anybody about it before the event)

- Let the Mech Inf go outside Karbala not inside. Strykers are coffins on wheels and can only take small arms fire. With the planned bot strenght I doubt they will survive one minute inside the city. I know, choppers are also at risk but I believe they will make more of a chance then a stryker.

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Sledgehammer LAN_WROTE ...

So now Sparky knows exactly where to place his IED's !rofl

If it makes you feel better, me and Sparky agreed to leave the hospital on Fallujah IED free. I'm a bit worried that if I let Sparky down there, then ,taking it from previous deployment rounds, you guys would be stuck there for the rest of the campaign !crazy
!crazy Also, I doupt Sparky ever checks the forums, so your plans should be quite safe !crazy

@be_jaki - added you to Logistics squad. If additional ppl show interest in joining, then I'll open up another support asset squad.
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Recon =VG= LAN_WROTE ...

Need 5 volunteers to cast as several roles in my News reports. This will be done separate and prior to the actual event, just need some footage of our soon to come action.

What do you mean by that? As in an interview from a soldier and such?
Count me in anyway and just send me the details of when you need this to be done.
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@sp0nge1337 - Welcome aboard! I'll squeeze you in somewhere. Check back later, can't decide right now.
Also, by having 30 people in the roaster, the sign up is officially closed! Thank you all who joined in.
Those who missed it, nothing to worry about as there will be at least 2 more episodes coming - 31st Oct. (?) and 14th November.

Also, as the we are at 30/28 players strong, I'll try to make the missions a bit more juicy than the last VIP one. Be ready for everything. Remember that the CO will be the b(e)acon !crazy between HQ and SQLs, so if you happen to see the yellow/golden icon pop up, down on the right hand corner, pay extreme attention!

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Sledgehammer LAN_WROTE ...

So now Sparky knows exactly where to place his IED's !rofl

I do much appreciate a commander looking ahead of things and forge a battle plan, but let me make some suggestions:

- make a second plan (and don't tell anybody about it before the event)

- Let the Mech Inf go outside Karbala not inside. Strykers are coffins on wheels and can only take small arms fire. With the planned bot strenght I doubt they will survive one minute inside the city. I know, choppers are also at risk but I believe they will make more of a chance then a stryker.


Don't worry about them knowing where to place IEDs, the plan is literally to attack every flag on every map so I am guessing that is where they will be placing IEDs...

The HMMWVs are coffins on wheels too but if Mec Inf is really worried we can send them to do the Seals job on Karbala and the seals to insert via chopper to Suburbs. I will also get infantry to take 4 HMMWVs so that they can give one to the seals when they get there. Helicopter pickups/dropoffs in the city are to much of a risk to be made regularly.
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mectus11 LAN_WROTE ...

and I came in like a wrecking baaaall! http://mectus11.kissr.com/episodeone.php
Took a more "classic" classified file approach.

This looks really cool, for some reason some of the text overlays over the images for me but still looks really good. I think we will edit the plans a bit before the event but most of what I had written still applies.
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