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Posts posted by Joe_A

  1. I'm sorry if it looked like I implied that I was telling you change something. Just was story telling really. I really wish I remembered who it was that I had worked with doing stuff like this. I still have much to relearn in game to be honest. But it's coming back to me. Mainly just the old maps lol. 

  2. 38 minutes ago, =VG= Double_13 said:

    Well squad formations is something that might work on deployment but not on coop. Why? The coop setting is done in straight lines so one doesn't need to cover the flanks nor the back as the bots do not attack from the sides. This add to the fast pace coop have compared to deployment. If one would setup cover and such it would decrease speed within the squad and will also cause a lot of confusion within the squad as the people are not trained soldiers. This adding that covering fire/suppressive fire has 0 effect on bots and the AR/machine gunner can therefor only be utilised 20%. This as the rest needs to cover him as he moves up. 

    However on flag cap/defensive settings formations will become usefull rather than having 8 people shoot1 bot north it should be 2 people shoot the bot and the rest provides 360 cover. The AR and machine gunner can be used to cover the active spawn direction the bots come from. 

    I would be more interessted in team deployment in where the commander tells tanks/apc/inf to setup rather then do their own play. This would often mean that tanks push in behind the inf and take out the main wave of bots before setting up for long range defence. While doing this cas try's to protect the tanks and shoot down the inf near the tank. But this means that they have to take the risk of getting shot at close range and  that's not going to happen as that's how the mentality of it works. 

    When I used to work in formations we kept it to a staggered column and moved to hasty/improvised 360s when stopped. Using these yes it was slow but deliberate movements. Each member had a sector of fire and it was alot of fun to do when everyone got it right. The SL we had then was very strict and did not allow for freelancing while in his squad. Which really made it all work in a fire fight. 

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  3. 19 minutes ago, =VG= Kavelenko said:

    Hi Joe,

    Yes absolutely no reason why a squad leader couldn't deploy an AR at point or even a sniper for that matter.

    I haven't had any takers yet in PR who want to try these formations out in the game and see if they really work or not.

    Obviously it would take a bit of drilling to get it right transitioning from Squad File formation to Squad Column and vice versa.

    I'd love to do a video on running these formations so if anyone is game contact me and we'll do it in game.

    I would absolutely love to help you do these in PR. 

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  4. One thing I have found very useful in PR is setting the AR as your point man. Now in real combat situations this is not often used. But in PR given the BOTs tendency to be extremely accurate, the ability for you AR to provide suppression fire is key to survival. Once the squad is in cover the squad leader can direct a tactical engagement if the AR has not eliminated the enemy. This is a tried and true practice used in large urban environments. A little less effective in open areas due to the BOTs ablilty to see threw foliage. But concepts remain the same. 

    There was a member of VG years ago that he would be a squad lead and I was his team lead. We would use the above mentioned tactics and as I said it was very successful. Unfortunately I do not remember that members name. He was extremely fun to play with because we would enforce tactical movements.

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