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Website Updates and Upgrades are still underway! We don't expect any further downtime, but we thank you for your patience as we restore themes and other elements including the Chatbox.

The following will result in a kick or temporary ban.

-Excessive teamkilling.
-Disruptive play.
-Deathmatching or dueling. i.e. Harrassing each other, tit for tat, etc.
-Failure to play as a team. i.e RAMBO
-Not following an Admins instructions.

*If an Admin declares that you are 'grounded' DO NOT ATTEMPT TO FLY AGAIN UNTIL PROPERLY TRAINED.

The following will result in a permanent ban.

-Cheating or executing any outside script that interfers with gameplay.
-Intentional teamkilling.
-Griefing. Behaviour with the intent to disrupt the play of others.


The following will result in a kick or temporary ban.

--Stealing another squads asset.
--Ramming the Cache with aircraft.
--RAMBO the cache.
--Using Mortars without a Forward Observer.
--Pilots showing poor judgement.
---Hovering over the AO or players in a helo.
---Multiple failed attempts at flying over or attempting to land in an unsafe area while carrying troops.
--Failure to play as a team. i.e. Solo/sniper medics.

*If an Admin declares that you are 'grounded' DO NOT ATTEMPT TO FLY AGAIN UNTIL PROPERLY TRAINED.


The following will result in a kick or temporary ban.

--Stealing another squads asset.
--Using CAS without a Forward Air Controller.
--RAMBO with CAS.
--Using Artillery without a Forward Observer.
--Failure to play as a team. i.e. Solo/sniper medics or engineers.

*If an Admin declares that you are 'grounded' DO NOT ATTEMPT TO FLY AGAIN UNTIL PROPERLY TRAINED.

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