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Everything posted by kilgore

  1. If u can, go for a z68 board and hold out a little longer for an ivy bridge cpu . Asus Maximus IV extreme -z has all on board you will need . I see your current cpu is 1156 socket but if i were you and you want something more future proof go for the i7 1155 range of cpu,s . And as mentioned before ,ram can be got very cheap for these boards.
  2. try writing a command line to launch arma -mod = @ACE and rest etc got dll not loading messages all time . Did above and loaded just fine . Launchers wouldnt do it ,including one in arma itself.
  3. Just been on server and joined no problems . Spears ,calv and outlanders all got mismatch error messages . Have they used six-updater ? I did and have no problems . Havnt got acre enabled at minute . Seems they need to use the six updater to get up to date versions .
  4. Disabling JayArmaLib will get you past loading and into server .
  5. Joining with JayArmaLIb , as ACRE wants you to , dont get past loading screen . Arma just halt . Also on leaving server AI will take the slot you just vacated leaving less slots available.
  6. Just done a full update with six updater . Server still show as red in servers list but can join server no probs now .
  7. Server shows as red in server list . Not green or yellow. Can join server though even after getting the same message about addons ,keys etc . Strange that ?.. Need tp update ace to recent version and try again but seems it nearly there . get the jaylib message too but that does update and arma restarts no problems after .
  8. Still get the same error message cba \addons ...... etc are not accepted by server Please install keys .... etc . Usual message u will know which one i mean . Sorry dude
  9. OK see whats happening at the minute . If you try to join the server with no mods installed you can get to choice of maps screen . But if you chose the ACE map it will kick you with having no mods (ace etc running ) Trying to join server with ace running will give auto kick (wrong keys etc crap ) Dunno if server needs to only have ace maps running on with server settings to include ace mods .
  10. Seems the server is not running any map at the moment and on choosing ace insurgency map after countdown nothing happens and map doesnt start .
  11. on joining the new ace insurgency server all i get is the message that keys are not signed by server (cba keys ,all of them ) and to install keys accepted by this server . All folders of ace etc up to date etc . Any help much appreciated thanks .
  12. Thanks PITN Eliteness got it sorted out .
  13. Anyone had a result in unpacking the insurgency 80 pbo . From Pbo view just get message that "it seems it isnt Arma pbo" Strange.
  14. kilgore


    Arma 3 and the use of phsyx supposedly in it. Any thoughts on this development .Phsyx would be a nice touch but at what loss to gameplay etc framrates. Is it time for another version of Arma yet ? Myself i look forward to it but as everyone knows already just how much a pc eater Arma is already ,just what kind of rig will you be needing to run the next version on ?
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