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Posts posted by ViciousMC

  1. Oh trust me I can't wait to come back. I need to pick on Kiwi and lets not forget mobbing with the rest of you crazy Aussies. Since the world didnt come to an end I guess you will not be building a ultra lite to fly this way so I will have to settle on someday getting out there. Lol. But for now I will get my crap together and get back online to get back in the gaming.
  2. Hey guys, just letting you all know I am alive and doing the best I can. Money has been pretty tight lately so I have not been able to pay for the net. Truth be told I had my car repoed and after paying 1700.00 to get it back just didnt have the money to pay the bill so now I owe then a couple hundred so it will probably be mid to end of next month before I have the money to put into it to come back and start playing again. I just wanted to let you guys know I am alive and..... well almost divorced..... : / Sigh...... In any case I look forward to being able to come and play again. So until I can get the money you guys be good and I will catch ya all soon.

  3. That's right game fans. I am back. I have been living in my new place for about a month now and have the net up and am ready to report for duty. I won't be able to donate quite yet as my finances are stabilizing but I will be around to cause trouble... I mean play games with my team. I installed Windows 7 recently so I can play BF3 and so far I am not impressed. It is just to annoying playing without a team because it seems like everyone is out for themselves and the teams that do have people working together mop up like crazy. In any case I will be playing PR, Forgotten hope, Bad Company 2, Crysis 2 , Left 4 Dead 2, and BF3. I have other games but don't have them installed besides I think that is enough to go on. Well I do have Arma 2 as well and if I found people playing I might try to get into it.

    On another note since I reinstalled I need to have my TS3 rights upgraded. I am just a guest. Lol. Well happy hunting and I will see you out there on the battle field of the cyber world.

    =VG= ViciousMC
  4. Oh I have done the partying and am getting to the end of it being fun. Or at least as fun as it was. It is always nice to do but I like living a bit quieter. More at a home of my own soon. Because when I get this place, which should be next week, for the first time in many years I will not be living under someone else. It will be my home. I can't explain how good that will feel but I am sure a few of you will understand the feeling.

    I can say that I am seemingly in the same situation as you and your X Semler. My X is my high school sweet hears and I hope that we do work it out but I see it going the way you described. But we shall see. I am going to live and do my best. If my X's paths cross with mine and better things happen I will not complain in the least. I am expecting the worst and preparing for it though. No use putting effort into something one sided right?
  5. Well guys I know I have not been around a whole lot and some of you have not been seeing me. Well life has been very busy for me. As some of you know my wife separated from me about 11 months ago and threw my life into chaos. Well it is better in some ways and worse in others. The simple run down is I got a better job that has almost doubled my income. In the next week or 2 I will be moving into a 2 bedroom 1.5 bathroom house with 2 bonus rooms, one is almost the size of the master bedroom and the other is a small 6 X 8 room off the front entry. Not a closet but more like a mud room of sorts.... In any case it will be kick ass. Huge front room and dining room and a large yard. It will be awesome. The only down side is it is taking every penny I have so for the first few weeks my daughter and I will probably be living off Top Ramen and or the like. I will have internet set up only because they will bill me so I can at least get on and play some.

    As for the whole X thing...well I guess it is simple there. I avoid her and she doesn't seem to care about me in the least. I hate it but there is nothing I can do so I stay away and do my best to live on. What else can I do? Enough about that though. There is no use dragging in on and on if I can help it. Needless to say I will have a place of my own soon and will spend more time coming around.
  6. Now by the subject of this post you all might wonder just what in the heck happened to him and it is my sad duty to inform you that Orion has had a death in the family. A main stay in his life died on him and it will cause him to miss much game time. He is currently mourning the loss of his friend and daily companion so we must mourn for his loss as well. It is not every day that someone as close as this was to him dies but it does happen. Now for the good news. There is a way to bring him (Orion) back and make him forget all about his friend and that was is to hope he gets money to buy things that will help him to get back on sooner.

    You might at this point be even more confused. Well let me give you the Readers Digest version. His computers power supply died. Sparks flying and all I am told. Now "IF" it did not other damage we will get him on sooner then later. But "IF" it did he may be off for a while. Well until we can get him the parts to rebuild.

    Now of course I have been a total smart ass with this post and those that know me will laugh and shrug as they know I am just that.....A smart ass. For those of you that don't know.........well now you do. !fuck
  7. I love "Playing" with guns. I have been learning to reblue them and am an RSO at the local gun club so I can go any time I want. I have 3 .22 rifles a 25.06 modified Enfield, and a Ruger Model 1 300 win mag. and a Remington 870 shotgun I am restoring. No pistols as of yet but getting one is on my list.
  8. Not been posting much lately due to a busy life of trying to put it back together but Star Trek is a fun game and worth the time. No cheating that I have seen but then again it is not a fight others type game. You can challenge people but in the long run it is more of a mission based game. Great part is that you can have friends help with missions. Bad part is if you match levels with squad leader and he is a lvl 40 and you get squished like a bug over and over. Not that it has ever happened.......Cough.
  9. Well guys I am sorry I have not been around in the forums but life is being hard. I am still dealing with the whole separation thing. I have been getting on to play BF BC2 with some of the guys though. I do have good news, I will be getting a place of my own pretty soon. As long as everything goes to plan I will be getting a 2 bedroom 1 bath 1200sq foot apartment in the beginning of April. I might not have internet for the first month because all of my money it going to be getting the place but I will have it. So for the month of April I might not be around but I will be back. It will just be a matter of time. I think it is only about 40 bucks a month but I don't know if it has to be installed or there is cable there already so it just needs to be activated. I am going to call the cable company and see what needs to be done on Monday. So who knows. I might be around I might not. Lol. I will admit life is hectic so I am not sure of much. In any case I just wanted to give you guys a shout out and let you know I am still around.

    =VG= ViciousMC
  10. Lol, wow Ram. That is awesome and it did make me laugh. We have been together 12 years...almost 13 since we are still married. Things are looking up ever so slightly. It is slow going but unplugging right now seems to be helping. I will be back. I am a gamer. Just not as much. Besides, she really can't afford to live without me so she is kind of stuck. Not a good place to be but it might help start things going the right direction and seems to be doing just that.
  11. Well things seem to be going in a positive direction. She went from saying she is just done and wants nothing more to do with me to she is willing to go to counseling. Hopefully in the future she will be able to turn her mind to finding more reasons to stay but only time will tell. All I can do is take it one day at a time and hope my changes will bring her around and she will stay. If not.........well I guess I will deal with that if and or when it happens.
  12. Well guys it is really simple. I was playing so much I was not able to see what was happening at my home. It was pushing my wife away and about a month ago she told me she couldn't do it anymore and separated from me in an emotional sense. We still live together and sleep in the same bed and still share bills for the most part but there is a distinct possibility we will not stay together. Let me give you guys more insight on why this has happened. My day would consist of me waking up at 9 to 9:30 am everyday so I could just make it to work on time to work my sift and then come home and go directly to my computer and spend until around 12am to 3am playing games and ignoring my family for the most part. She put up with it for 4 years before she is where she is now. Well I have to say it was quite a wake up call and i really had to take a look at what the hell I was doing and not doing and for the last couple of weeks I have changed my schedule as I am sure you all have seen.

    I now get up between 6:30am and 7 to help get my daughter up and make food for everyone and get my little one ready to go with my wife or to classes depending on the day. I go to work as usual but when I get off I no longer go to my computer but help my little one with any work that needs to be done and then do and dishes or laundry and clean up the house. I do all of this because I have the time and she is worth it and really I should have been doing it before but I will admit it, I was addicted to my computer big time. Well I will only be on after 9:30 pm and only for a couple of hours with rare exception. If my wife or family come to talk to me I will set my game aside or I will say, "Got to go guys, have fun." and I will be gone just like that. No more putting them off.

    Well I know it is a lot here but I wanted to let you guys know what is up. I will be seeing you all around. Good games and see you on the battle field.

  13. Real life has a way of getting one out of the gaming because pesky things like work and family and or moving do tend to get in the way. I well know this but real life first. Keep it cool and check back in when you can. Catch ya soon and good luck with everything.
  14. We all experience troubling computer problems from time to time but I am curious to see what really burns you up, so to speak. I know I will not have covered everything here because lets face it, every computer will have its own unique set of problems but I am sure there are a few in relation to gaming that we have all had from time to time. The list I have created are from what you my fellow gamers, through out the years, have complained about. Think about it and pick the one you really hate the most.
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