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Website Updates and Upgrades are still underway! We don't expect any further downtime, but we thank you for your patience as we restore themes and other elements including the Chatbox.


VG Immemorium
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Status Replies posted by H8CrazyVet67

  1. Finally! :D

    Some free time that I can grasp doing what I love, can't beat a bit of gaming there and then.

  2. As you can already tell, Im quite unactive in both PR and the VG teamspeak server.

    It's because my work has been quite busy lately due to my recent promotion in my career with Anglian Water.

    I've recently been more of a spanner monkey than sitting down relaxing with some quality gaming time with the lads, but hey ho life changes :)

    Ill still be quite active on this website just so I can get in touch with you lads and find out whats going on once in a while. but expect my gaming time to drasticaly drop in the next couple of months as boy im in for a rough and busy couple of months I tell ya.

    All in all you mongs have a great time anyways.

     Expect me to pop in then and there sometimes.

    Keep your Tea brewing and your Crumpets loaded.

    Sausag3 out

    *Drops mic*

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