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About madsrm

  • Birthday 11/05/1996

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Private (1/18)



  1. zero_tolerance_s LAN_WROTE ... Let me google that for you: http://choosemypc.net/ Copyzero... pfft
  2. I would recommend posting this on reddit.com/r/buildapc they helped me with mine. I will try to look for parts when i come home though. Choosemypc.net is also a decent site for help.
  3. That flying was some great work there Littlebird pilot. I'd like to thank myself for that.
  4. I would like to resign my position as the Mech Inf LAT. I'm unable to come due to personal issues. Fixed the personal issues, would love to rejoin.
  5. LOOK AT THAT LITTLEBIRD FLYING ITS BETTER THAN LONG TOM! *cough* I flew if you hadn't noticed. Also I had no idea what I was doing ._.
  6. Are we still able to apply? I'd love to be the LAT of the Mech Infantry squad.
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