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Website Updates and Upgrades are still underway! We don't expect any further downtime, but we thank you for your patience as we restore themes and other elements including the Chatbox.


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Everything posted by rox1983

  1. I got a new computer on saturday and logged in to TS as usual, but it had (understandably) not recognised me and downgraded me to a guest. Please someone promote me to a friend? cos i don't want to bother anyone in-game and hardly anyone's ever in the 'welcome aboard' bit that can promote me. I want to be able to switch channels by myself :) Also, i can't remember who was involved, but i was just on the mortar and aimed it at the enemy main base, but it somehow managed to land 200m away and kill a friendly squad. Firstly, I don't know how it did, but secondly and more importantly, if any of those people read this, I am truly sorry for teamkilling you. I promise I would never aim it at friendlies and I'll take even more care next time. Sorry for the inconvenience
  2. well i dont find it too bad personally but it would be nice to get some of the less-played maps on, ive never played 90% of the pr maps :/
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