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Posts posted by lordvlad30

  1. anti-static wrist strap ... really man ... you don't need that shit, just stand with your feet on the ground :P 

    don't really know alot off PC parts but I would recommend to get an i5, keep the SSD (I can't live without it).
    your motherboard is overclockable but your CPU is not, maybe change that up (could get a cheaper one maybe or get an i5 xxxxK )

    Do you really need 2 monitors? if not you could use that money to buy a GTX 1060 6GB grafics card (350$) instead off the 750ti, if you really need the 2 monitors i would still change the 750ti to a GTX 1060 3GB (around 200$ i think). they are sooo much more powerfull!

  2. If you could disable it on the server side this could work but if you disable it only on client side it would cause errors (servers says there is a cricket at X: ... Y: ...  but client says it does not know what crickets are -> crash) (<-- what I think will happen). Could you see if the crickets work in singleplayer, spawn one or find one to be 100% sure cause it would be kinda strange that this is a server only issue (It could still be another issue that is causing the crash :/ ). 

    • Upvote 1
  3. As Brian said it is a issue with a mob and vannila minecraft does not cause this problem so we can exclude all those entities (in your crash log) and after removing all the vannila entities we are left with:

    EntityCricket['Cricket'/5570202, l='MpServer', x=1023.38, y=20.00, z=129.50]

    Now the cricket is the only modded entity that is loaded in the game so this could very well be the cause, and by what I found out this is a mob added by the animalsplus mod.
    Is it possible to disbale a mod on the server without messing the server up? If so you could try that.

    • Upvote 1
  4. could be a problem with EnderIO and a witherskeleton issue, try this:
    1. go to your modpack installation folder.
    2. in this folder go to minecraft -> config -> enderio and open the file EnderIO.cfg (with notepad or notepad++ or ...).
    3. look for the line "B:replaceWitherSkeletons=true" (somewhere around line 557).
    4. change the true value to false.
    5. start the game and pray to the gods.
    6. if it works hooray, if not, change that value back to true so we don't mess up the game in another way!

    some people had this issue to with the mods "Ender Zoo" or "Exotc Birds" but as these mods were not installed from what I see in the report this was a dead end.

    • Upvote 2
  5. 3 hours ago, Rotblut said:

    Really vlad?? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PRISM_(surveillance_program)

    What about turning on the Battlerecorder?? Like a friend of mine makes a mix of BR+OBS. Very nice!



    Haha, yes if you just type in PRISM into google (or whatever) you will get this as as a first result, now try "project reality prism".
    I won't bother to put some links here as it is way to easy to find them yourself.


    • Upvote 2

  6. 1 hour ago, Guest Brakeandroid said:

    So can we just ban michaels ID and keep Eagle unbanned?

    no. I will?ban the hash "xxxxxxxxxxx" from the server (so both of them are still banned). banid does exacly the same as !ban but with a random number given to the player at the start of the match. ex. Acro got first into the game and get's ID=1, Acros got second in: ID=2, for the next round these numbers could change. and to ban Acro you would then have to type: !banid 1, this will ban the hash for the player corresponding with ID=1 on the server (and every other player account with the same hash).
    Hope it's a bit understandable for you.?

  7. 8 hours ago, Acromarts said:



    Its in the game, I just wonder if it effectively bans by name

    It bans just the same like !ban or !b but instead of us giving in a name you give in the ID the player has on the server (visible in the 'manage'?section of the scoreboard). Its used when 2 players have almost the same name ex. Arco and Acros, you can't ban 'Acro' because the server sees that there are multiple people with the string 'Acro'?as a name (Acros) in that case you use the ID of 'Acro'.

  8. Sirisma is known, if not from the forums, he is known by most of us (at least by me) from in-game.
    When I had more time I would also just sit in teamspeak pr coop channel just to listen to people, or ready to jump in game if there was no admin on and there was one needed.
    @Keed: Why would anyone complain about someone who's AFK being in a teamspeak channel (other than the AFK channel)?

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