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Posts posted by Fighter1407

  1. 2 hours ago, Double_13 said:

    Trees and X-ray Vision do not really match.

    another problem is that the maps are harder then your average map and people often ragequit faster since they keep getting killed from the bots shooting thought the vegetation that blocks our sight.

    due to the many people leaving it will be harder to cap the flags since you don't have enough troops to keep the bots from entering the caparea 


    Hill: easy map that can be finished with only killing 30 bots if one squad pushes to the hill flag and the other caps the neutral flag


    operation ghost train: fun map but like stated above the trees keep shooting, and often you have a jerk that destroys the FOB and you gotta walk for 10 min


    TEDS hell (tadsea): problem is that most people don't load up fast enough to counter the first wave. Later on you have your tree issue


    charlies point: quite easy map but people leave to fast and you need 30 people to keep the bots off your ass


    Those are the Vietnam maps we don't play. They can be played if you have at least 2 or more decent squads that communicate. Sadly this never happens and the map becomes hard for the sake of keeping the fun admins avoid these maps so the server can stay alive.


    there are many maps we rarely play and all is because there is no teamwork to pass that map.

    Thank you for  the detailed answer. I've never really thought about the issues you mentioned here. But it really make sense! 

  2. 1 hour ago, Double_13 said:

    I do wonder why the !admin command is back on the public list.

    I can really notice that when I join the server and there was no admin online before me. When I join people tell me there was a huge tk event  and the person in question left since !admin showed an admin was joining.


    Hmm You might have a good point there. If people don't know there's an admin at the server, they might show their real face then. Which makes it easier for u guys to get rid of them. It's hard to kick ppl based on what other people are saying. Rather just witness it yourself

  3. 2 hours ago, =VG= SemlerPDX said:

    I remember the original BF2 - it felt "small" compared to PR.  Also, the nade spamming and dolphin diving bothered me, which is why I turned to BF2: Project Reality mod.  In my opinion, BF4 is far more playable than BF2.  But it's still a very cool game!  I remember learning how to fly the Cobra on (IIRC) Dragon Valley offline, hoping to get into flying online.  But, again, there was little teamwork online with active comms squads rare, just a bunch of grab-astic pieces of amphibious shit.  I found the best cooperative team play in PR and PR COOP where people who lone-wolf are the rarity.

    I can't even imagine how COD is. Never bought a COD game yet, never going to either

  4. Hey guys!

    I've tried to download EOD today. I downloaded both the server and client Exe, i also downloaded the hotfix.

    But every time i try to start a game (on singleplayer) the game just close down?

    what have I done wrong?!
  5. SavageCDN LAN_WROTE ...

    That is a strange file path there.. are you sure that path is where your BF2 is installed? Also did you try running bf2.exe directly rather than thru the desktop shortcut?

    i dont know where it got that path from.
    My game is installed in C:\programfiles\eagames\bf2 ..........

    no, gonna try that now!
  6. man, i ran into to an another problem now.

    been gone for one week now. When i came back, i tried to launch BF2
    Then a window pop ups and say

    Debug assertion failed!

    Version: 1.5.31..........................
    Module: File
    File: C:\dice\projects+BF2Branches\Patch_1_50\Code\BF2\IO\File\ZipArchive.cpp
    Line: 395

    Text: Couldn`t read entries from mods\bf2\common_client.zip
    Current confile: CLientArchives.con

  7. SavageCDN LAN_WROTE ...

    Probably your best bet at this point.. then when Windows (XP right?) is back up and running install BF2/PR first:

    Before installing Project Reality 0.95, make sure you install Battlefield 2 and
    update it to Version 1.5. The correct installation order is listed below:
    1) Battlefield 2
    2) Add-On: Special Forces (if available)
    3) BF2 Patch to 1.41
    4) BF2 Patch to version 1.5
    5) Project Reality 0.95 full installer part 1
    6) Project Reality 0.95 full installer part 2
    7) Project Reality 0.95 full installer part 3
    If you have a previous installation of Project Reality on your computer,
    you should completely remove the PR directory which is located in the
    mods folder of your BF2 installation.
    Also if you have a previous installation of Project Reality, you should
    delete the existing shortcuts before installing a newer version. Please
    use the shortcut provided by the PR 0.95 installers to start the game

    Aight thx man! Will try that! !cheers
  8. CCCode LAN_WROTE ...

    If you couln't install 1.5 cause of this then it is the reason. There is a bug with BF2/1.41 patch/1.5 patch that makes you not able to install 1.5 cause it only will say you alrady have a newer version installed. To fix it got to Start>Run (Kjør) and type in regedit and click Ok. Now find your way to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Electronic Arts\EA Games\Battlefield 2" and click on the Battlefiled 2 line. To the right you will see a few lines like "(Standard)" and "Language". IF there is one called "Version" edit it's value to 1.4 if there is no line named "Version" you need to right click and go to New>String value (Ny>Strengværdi) and set the value to 1.4. Then just close the program and try run the 1.5 installer

    I just told u, the patch problem is already fixed, MY biggest problem is the god damn loading map on PR :/
  9. CCCode LAN_WROTE ...

    I'm not sure what causes this problem, but i've had it myself once or twice before. If you are using Vista or Win7 try to run it as admin and also try to run it in XP mode. IF this does not work try to uninstall BF2, delete the BF2 folder in both My Documents and Program Files\EA Games, restart your PC, install BF2 (If you have the Complete Collection, when you are asked if you'd like to restart your PC click NO, otherwise click YES), install the 1.5 patch, install PR, try to run the game. Also.. lykke til :P

    Im on a computer with XP.
    Im trying to reinstall the game now. i got the whole collection BTW.

    I`ll give u a feedback ASA im done. Takk for hjelpen, kompis.
  10. heey, i just downloaded Bf2 again. I also downloaded PR and the 1.5 patch. While i was downloading PR i played some BF2 at singleplayer. so theres no problem with the sound or graphic card?

    but after i installed PR, and the patch, the game wont launch. The bf2 logo shows up. then the screen goes black, and jumps back to the desktop!

    so anyone know how i can fix this? because this is frikkin annoying right noW!
  11. Copied and pasted from Message to blud:
    Thx dude, I see. Something bad happened and i wasnt able to tell guys before i got home.

    That what happened was that i got knocked the [!@#^%$#] out in a soccer match in Denmark. A dude tackled me so i broke my leg. And ripped of something in both my knees. This happened for a while ago, but i had to do a surgery in both my knees. i did one of them 1 week ago and came home for 2--3 days ago. Worst of all. My Gaming computer got stolen while i was at the hospital. so did my friends computers. So half of my soccer team lost their computers. We havent found the thiefs yet, but if i do, they wished they never lived.. But the problem is that the computers got stolen in Denmark. and we live in Norway. so its really hard though..

    Anyway, all the [!@#^%$#] was new and its value was about 5-6 thousand dollars. so i have to work to get those money back and buy me a new computer... I dont how long it will take, but it gonna be a while, since im not able to work because of my knee, and i still got another surgery to do. so i cant tell u yet Blud, So sorry..!e5

    I hope i still can be able to talk with u guys at teamspeak and the forums though
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