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Posts posted by FlightRisk

  1. @savage haha, well that's lucky, hopefully this one wont corrode

    @pigeon cool, you could probably convince him easily to upgrade the processor, especially if you can find cheaper things as well. all i did was spend five or ten minutes Googling. i need some easy pigeon points, i want that whiskey
  2. Personally i'm not sure if i would recommend it yet. the main reason i bought it is because the price will probably raise after release, but considering its only alpha and fun already. i wont be complaining about spending ?20 for it after a bit more development
  3. So i was doing some obsidian mining when there was some block lag, which resulted in me being trapped in a lava pool with some pretty good stuff, and i logged out at half health
    So i was hoping that my player co-ords could be changed in some way or some other way which would result in me not losing the items.
    If i don't have a choice and have to die that's fine, i would just really prefer not to.
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