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About LiquidTracer

  • Birthday 04/18/1990

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Private (1/18)



  1. First of all Merry Christmas! and I should be in for this and i shall be trying to drag some LAMBS crew with me but.. Down side is that i just read on the official mod forum page for @A3MP and its been updated to 1.2 and that there's no patch for the version its aparently just a straight up 5gig+ download again. Personally ill be able to download this again before the 28th but i would imagine that this is going to cause issues, if not with the mission itself then perhaps peoples attendance in downloading the new files at least judging by some of the responses. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?170241-A3MP-ArmA-3-Map-Pack So difficult questions incoming! (as many ARMA ones are when it comes to tech issues) Do we need to begin downloading? or use the old one Does this muck up your plans? etc? dates etc? Merry Christmas from the Grinch of ever hopeful ARMA Sessions
  2. OK, so after Whiztlers tireless efforts to fix the elusive bug in the first version, and having to re-write the entire mission. We are now confident that the versions we have currently are playable. As with arma there's always a chance it isn't, but we are a little better planned than last week if something unexpected happens. Therefore Event is back on for tonight and open to anyone that's still interested, sorry for the late notice we wanted to be as close to certain before we wasted anyone's time again. Hopefully be seeing some of you tonight!
  3. Hey guys i'm in, ill post up a swift kick backside post up on our forums and see if i can get you a few flock members to come along with me Edit: Hoping we can take the 4-pax Buffalo6 off your hands providing i can convince a few more of our members!
  4. Fox 2 FTL AAR Loaded into convoy as second vehicle, proceeded to first AO. Dismounted and proceeded on foot, declared clear before firing a shot. Returned to the vehicles for the next round of AO roulette! we took some fire coming into the town to the south, but support had our cover down to a T so we were able to push into town. Fox 2 as a rule cleared left side of town roads and stuck to the left and Fox 1 cleared the right side, I felt this worked really well for us and we cleared the AO in a counter clockwise movement in good time, stopping only briefly to take a bit of friendly fire (was to be expected at some-point) no big deal. Foxes then declared the town clear returning to our vehicles (parked too far away, pant-wheeze-gasp) Fox 2 took a friendly RPG to our vehicle on the way to the next AO, no big deal as of course because we took our RPG-immunity jabs before leaving our operational HQ. A lengthy heal later and Fox 2 were moving again and followed Fox 1 into a good assault position for the town. Fox 1 crossed the open ground first and got to hard cover but by the time they made it we came under heavy fire to our Left flank and we were forced to dip back behind the ridge. Support managed to disrupt or murder the fire long enough for us to charge into position and begin clearing our section of the town. A IED report later and the town was secure "Ok Fox 2 watch out for that IED, its at the crossroads in tow.......BOOOM" turns out that wasn't the only one. Bomb-squad Fox 2 then played its part in the securing of an enemy Chemical Factory. Our Halo Drop went "Swimmingly", we reorganized as now we only had 1 squad on our net: So we became Fox 1. Now being 6 man strong (when did that happen 0.o ) we slowly line-formation-ed those compounds to death and began to spot contacts to our north east. Our support entered the compound accompanied by a rather welsh sounding operative, who couldn't be classified as a supportive presence in his life, so therefore is separate for the purposes of this AAR! We were ordered to stop holding up the war (or something equally Scandinavian), so we began to use the hardcover to sneak up to our objective compound halting only when our cover turned into 200m of open terrain with full sight-lines. I requested that support put down a bunch of suppressing fire and we followed it up with a burst fire from our position and i ordered half the squad over death field, once back to full strength we cleared our first objective compound and continued south to the main town. We hit major contact 300m north of town and took fire from a quickly developing 180 degree arc NE-SW with little cover to be had. 2 of our guys got downed (and one got disconnected 10 minutes prior) and left with 3 guys at a half cover wall running out of smoke grenades and taking accurate fire ourselves. Luckily the rest of the crew bailed us out and managed to get our wounded up as the rest of the fire team pushed up to better cover and finally we returned to full strength and assaulted the first courtyard and the mosque in the middle of town. Castor got reunited with his squad and now back down to 4 members we began to return to our normal patrol pattern which of course meant hitting our second IED. Recovering and regrouping at the petrol station and charging valiantly across open ground to assault another compound straight east of our objective always pushing west as we went taking a few casualties along the way. The support teams cleared the factory, group hu..g... picture later and it was farewells and explosions as the chemical factory went up in flames. Awesome night guys. really enjoyed it and I think we might have to make this a common occurrence. once a month at least? FOX 2/1 FTL Chief BOOMsquad Operator out. (wall of txt AAR)
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