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Posts posted by saxopwn6romeo

  1. Hello VG, its been quite a while since I have hung out with you guys in game and that is my fault. Recently I have been selected to participate in the 2015 SCA Veterans Fire Corp. In order for me to participate I am required to purchase a pair of NFPA approved fireboots as well as secure storage and transport for my household goods while I am at training for 90 days. I know money is tight all around but if you would please consider me and what this could potentially lead to in terms of job stability and a future for my daughter I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you for your time and consideration.

    (I swear this is an actual link that does work that is going to legitimate fund raising attempt so I can attend this training, although this is the internet and you are entitled to your doubts, just please know that this is a career opportunity in the making and every little bit helps)

    http://www.veteransfirecorps.org/ Veterans Fire Corp Page
    https://www.thesca.org/serve/program/veterans-fire-corps SCA Veterans Fire Corp Page

    sax6romeo out.
  2. Hey VG its been a while since I've played with you guys but I'm going to be around more often now, I just found out about Project Reality 1.0 so I will be checking that out, noticed you guys had an active server running with good amount of players in game, gave me a warm and fuzzy!

    I noticed also that Semler posted about Payday 2, which i also have so if there are any heists needing that 4th man, I'll be there as well. Look forward to playing with you men later.

    Take care, Sax6Romeo
    11B or Death
  3. yeah if you use the preset A2 controls, youll still have to go through the bindings and find the keys that need to get rebound (IE. grenade, combat speed toggle, alt optics mode, and such). The A3 controls arent bad, they just take some time getting used to. On the other hand, atleast BI was gracious enough to include the old key setup in the alpha! +1 internets to them!!!!
  4. a much better video is now available on my channel, this one is 9minutes and features more weapons (hammer, AA12, m4 semi), 1 pvp kill and some good ole fashion looting!

    -update #3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HoCjthsPBNE&feature=plcp (+2 more pvp kills)

    hope you enjoy, i actually recorded like 2 hours worth and have more parts im gonna upload but i thought section 2 would be the best to show you all first
  5. hello all once again, just wanted to give you guys a quick update on the current state of the game, the NDA has been lifted and now i have some really good footage of a relatively smooth game session in the world of the war z. currently it is uploading to youtube and its about 30minutes long so if you get a chance once its finished loading check it out/skim through it.

    ill keep you all posted
  6. yeah the game is rather rough at the moment, there are no consequences for murder so the majority of the population is just super kill on sight, mass murdering hammer goons running around hacking away at people. I have the pioneer package because i was over anxious and wanted to play on the 15th, Im not really upset with the game right now since it is so infantile but there are just so many outright rips of other systems from other games in place, like the CRYSIS clone weapon upgrade system lol. Maybe over time my 25 dollars will contribute something to this game but its possible we all got duped haha!

    hopefully the halloween update and map expansion will alleviate the pvp strain the servers have right now, they do talk about having rentable stronghold servers that you can do what ever in, so im guessing alot of people will password and PvZ in those, who knows
  7. anyone else testing out the alpha to this game, 30% of colorado map unlocked, its a decent game although lousy with snipers/bandits in its current state. Just wondering if theres any other survivors out there in the woods i can link up with and stand a better chance of survival.

    open beta is scheduled for Oct 31, and more map also.
  8. ive actually been pondering a non hive server and seeing how the communities differ between rockets hive and the private separate hives. Ive read that the communities are tighter knit (even the banditos) due to the fact that there is no way to server hop. Private server, localized gear to one server. maybe im interpreting this wrong but it could be worth looking at as well... take care have class all day today so ill prolly be rather scarce the majority of the day
  9. cool i saw you in lobby right as i was exiting, ill get back on in a few, have to go run out and do some errands then itll be back to finding a new bmx :( but atleast it gives me a semi objective to accomplish

    DE1456 has been really popular here the last few days, seeing 15+ people on it at midday for me so hopefully we can group up and get some PVP going..

  10. so what servers are we primarily on these dayz? ive noticed that DE378 is now DE 1456 and that is where i have my tent and bike at, also i did notice a bike spawns between stary and novy sobor at a house pretty much half way between those two cities.

    currently really digging the BMX because of its quiet (not completely silent) nature allowing me to traverse the environment swiftly and stealthily. the only downfall is the no storage but i think its a fair trade for the stealth mobility, well until next we all meet enjoy your stay in the Z
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