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Everything posted by Lacko

  1. Lacko


    Konrad, PanzerWolf, barack... gyertek ide!
  2. PITN LAN_WROTE ... All of the addons are server side only. You don't need them. Thanks! 1., so my CTD is an ArmA bug... :( 2., And if I want play on a server what is listed the all ACE mods, can I play it without 1Gb ace files on my client?
  3. I'm a veteran OFP/ArmA player (in single), but very newbie in multi. I tried many times your insurgency server and this is the most excited at all, except one annoying problem: my ArmA is always CTD if I play with you (other servers never do the same). I thought, this is because I played without addons and I always got a message when I join: mission addons...etc. So I tried to download your addons, but I failed. I don't know where can I DL zeu_ai and server addons. And when I DL the CBA addon (the latest) I cannot enter your server, because different version. I try to find links in this forum, but I didn't. Can you help me? 1. Is it necessary to use these addons or not? 2. If yes, where can I download the same version as you use? Thanks!
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