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Posts posted by CHILLRA

  1. i hate to complain but today and yesterday there has been a player by the name of 2 lt terdu who has been team killing if you get on HIS motor or he like to fly the A -10 over AO and drop all his bomds on us .ask him only to do this when requested and told me he would do as he liked .
    i`m not sure of his battleeye guild no. is but i`m not the only one who was say that terdu was spoilling the game AKM Recon1 and totalboffin were also on today and saw and heard what was going on ,AKM was there yesterday sorry when terdu was being a d@*k.
    i wondering if theres a log that can been seen by you guys to confrim what i am saying and to see if you can get his guil number
    i`ll leave this with you guys many thanks CHILLRA
  2. i was only in the server for a few hours but loved every minute of it great team play ,and loads off stuff blowing up wicked as always .just sometime wish i didnt have a job ....kids....and anything eles thats takes me away from aram
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