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About lazlohollyfeld
- Birthday 12/07/1980
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Ok well give us an idea of your problem pig. I'll just assume this is what you've got going on so far. You install BF2 from the original CD. You then patch up to 1.5, correct? Then before installing PR you try and run BF2 vanilla and it crashes out before you hit the intro videos? Maybe try going to the BF2 install folder and renaming the .bik movie files to .bak. Maybe the resolution change is causing the game to crash? You should only need to launch BF2 before installing PR, but I dont know if that is even a requirement post 1.0. I'd suggest looking around the PR forums though, that'd be your best bet to finding a straight answer. Also, great to see you around man, I miss playing with you.
I'm so sorry to he that he's passed. I had the pleasure of spending many hours playing with him and getting to know him. There were many times when there were only a handful of people around and we would spend the hours talking about all sorts of things. He always had lots of insightful things to talk about and often spoke very highly of his family. I'm sad to hear that he is gone but I'm glad I got to know him.
I voted that melon sucks... because their was no truer statement on the list. Even if we did have an op:for event, I'm sure he'd just spend the whole time floating the habok around or flinging himself. ps: melon really sucks!!
PR Saturday? Always in for a good day of PR. I'll try not to pre-game too heavily before this event so that I don't forget about it. I say that it should start as soon as the European players want to get on and continue from there. If we start with a solid group of players then it will attract a crowd. PS: when are we going to do a PR:OP-FOR day? PPS: Melon sucks!
We all know that you really just want to fling melon around. All kidding aside, NWM is quite reputable and is online often so it would greatly help keep the peace and keeping things from getting out of hand.
EA Re-Releases updated version of BF1942
lazlohollyfeld replied to lazlohollyfeld's topic in Other Games
SavageCDN =VG= LAN_WROTE ... If the original Forgotten Hope mod works with this I'm all over it!! Or Desert Combat.. anyone remember that one? As far as I can tell, the EA expansions will not work but mods are fully supported. FH should work just fine. -
EA Re-Releases updated version of BF1942
lazlohollyfeld replied to lazlohollyfeld's topic in Other Games
I guess updated isn't the best term, since there doesn't seem to be updated graphics and the game doesn't work with original copies or add-ons, just updated to run through origin. -
EA has released through origin an updated version of BF1942 for the 10th anniversary of the game. The new version fully supports existing mods for the original version. The updated version is not compatible with older copies of the game, likely due to the game running through Origin. Check out the announcement https://twitter.com/Battlefield/status/265500778771386369 and download yourself a copy and party like its 2002 again.
Sounds like they're finalizing the 1.0 release of PR and have decided to post a redacted version of the patch notes. Lets see if we can guess any of the surprises. "When we get to our final release, we'll be posting the complete feature list of course, but for now, enjoy trying to figure out what's going on. Core 16082:17251 AI: Uxxxxxd Bxxxxxxs wxxh cxxxxxt PR txxm mxxxxxs :P (yxxh we axl wxxxa kxxl oxxxxxxxs) (bloodydeed) 17183 COMMMON: Nxw bxxxd/hxxt sxxxxs (anders) 16724 COMMON: Axxxd sxxxxxxxxx.dxs sxxxxxe txxxxxe, wxxxh is uxxd on Txd Sxe. (afsoccer) 16123 COMMON: Cxxxxxxxxd sxxe uxxxxxxxxxxd sxy txxxxxxs, uxxd on kxxxxn axd txd sxe, sxxe a fxw mb's (ancientman) 16260 COMMON: Axxxd txxxxxxs/sxy/dxxxxxxxxd.dxs wxxxh is uxxd on Vxxxo Cxxy axd mxy be uxxxxl on oxxxr mxxs. (afsoccer) 16339 COMMON: Axxxd Vxxxxxm mxxxc (afterdune) 16346 COMMON: Axxxd nxw txxxxxn txxxxxxs (afterdune) 16346 COMMON: Axxxd mxxxc fxxxs fxr Vxxxxxm mxxxxxxxxxr (afterdune) 16351 COMMON: Fxxxd txe bxg wxxxe yxu cxxxxn't exxt an AxV. Sxxxxd be OK nxw. (afterdune) 16431 COMMON: Rxxxxxxd axd axxxd exxxxxxxn sxxxxs. Cxxxxxd gxxxxxe ixxxxt sxxxxs fxr fxxt sxxxxxxg Mxxx (AxxP) to mxxe txe sxxxd sxxxd fxxxxr.x xx Axxo nxw dxxxxxt ixxxxt sxxxxs.x xx Axxo axxxd dxxxxs sxxxxs to cxxxxxn mxxxxxxl exxxxxxxxs.x xx Axxxd xxm sxxxxxxxp sxxxxs, xxxm sxxxxxxxp sxxxxs.x xx Nxw kxxxe ixxxxt sxxxxs on wxxd, fxxxh, hxxd axd sxxt mxxxxxxxs.x xx Nxw bxxxxxxxxs on axl mxxxxxxxs. Nxw rxxxxxxxs axd sxxxs/wxxxxs. (anders) 16443 COMMON: Axxxd xxxm fxxxy sxxxxs (anders) 16506 COMMON: Cxxxxxd txe exxxxxh vxxxxs to txe oxxxxxxl PR vxxxxs (anders) 16519 COMMON: Nxw bxxxxt fxxxxs/sxxxs. Mxxxd in x.xx sxxxs ixxo my sxxxxs (anders) 16567 COMMON: Rxxxxxxd oxd vxxxxxa PxM bxxxs wxxh nxw oxxs on txe axxo cxxxe mxxxl (chuc) 16683 COMMON: Axxxd wxxxxxxd txxxxxe fxr txe rxxxr (rhino) 16723 COMMON: Mxxe oxxh sxxxxs ixxo oxg axd mxxe xx% sxxxxt. Dxxxxxxxd txe sxxe fxxm (wxv) xx,xxB to (oxg) xxxxB. (anders) 16728 COMMON: Nxw JxxM exxxxxxxn sxxxxs (anders) 16737 COMMON: Axxxd xxxm sxxxxxxxxxs fxr xxxm to xxxm sxxxxs (anders) 16792 COMMON: Nxw bxxxxt hxt sxxxxs (anders) 16953 COMMON: Axxxd "Oxxxxxxxxxxxxe.nxxxxxxxxxxxp x" to dxxxxxxxxe HxG nxxxs so txe sxxxxxxs dxn't gxt in txe wxy of txe sxxxl exxxxxxn exxxxxs. (rhino) 16957 COMMON: Ixxxxxxxxxd xp cxxxxa sxxxe wxxn exxxxxxxxs or sxxxxxxxxxn oxxxxs (chuc) 17069 COMMON: Nxw AA mxxxxxe lxxk sxxxxs (anders) 17119 COMMON: Nxw Fxxt axd axxxd Bxxxxxxxk hxt sxxxxs (anders) 17205 COMMON: Axxxd cxxxxn fxxxs fxr Bxxxk Gxxd (vapoman) 17224 COMMON: Axxxd nxw sxy txxxxxxs fxr Bxxxk Gxxd (vapoman) 17225 EFFECTS: Axxxd Vxxxxxm nxxxxm (afterdune) 16352 EFFECTS: Axxxd Vxxxxxm sxxxd exxxxxs (afterdune) 16352 EFFECTS: Nxw fxxxe exxxxt by sxxxxxxx, cxxxxs #xxx (bloodydeed) 16441 EFFECTS: Axxxd fxxxxxs to mxxxxxxxxxxxs on AK wxxxxxs, Mxx, AR rxxxxs, Mxxx, Mx, KxxD, PxM axd RxK (jxxt fxr txxt) (anders) 16502 EFFECTS: Axxxd nxw LxV xxxm dxxxxxt sxxxxxxxxxs axd mxxxxxxxxxh (anders) 16506 EFFECTS: Nxw bxxxd hxxxxxxt vxxxxl exxxxt (anders) 16513 EFFECTS: Dxxxxxxxd hxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxe of exxxxxxxn dxxxxs sxxxxs (anders) 16521 EFFECTS: Axxxd Mxxx cxxxxn dxxxxxt sxxxd (anders) 16566 EFFECTS: Axxxd cxxx dxxxxxt sxxxt sxxxd (anders) 16650 EFFECTS: Nxw dxxxxxt AT sxxxxs (anders) 16727 EFFECTS: Fxxxd exxxxxd sxxxxs nxt sxxxxxg lxxg exxxxh (j.f.leusch) 16787 EFFECTS: Axxxd nxw sxxxl exxxxxxn gxxxs ixxxxxxxg txe x.xxxxxm, x.xxxm, x.xxxm, x.xxxm axd xxm rxxxxs. (rhino) 16793 EFFECTS: Axxxd nxw sxxxl exxxxxxn gxxxs ixxxxxxxg txe .xxxxl, xx Gxxxe Bxxk, xx Gxxxe Sxxg, xxxxxxm LxxR Gxxxxxe, xxxxxxm HxxR Gxxxxxe, x.xxxxxm axd uxxxxxd txe xxxxl lxxk, sxxxxxr axxs lxxk axd to uxe txe nxw txxxxxe sxxxt, as wxxl as axd a lxxx axd rxxxxxd txe x.xxxxxm rxxxd. Axl txxxe rxxxxs nxxd cxxxxg, jxxt txe pxxxn mxxh rxxxt nxw oxxxr txxn txe lxxxs wxxxh sxxxxd wxxk as txxy sxxxd. (rhino) 16795 EFFECTS: Re-exxxxxxd txe nxw sxxxl cxxxxxs, axxo rxxxxxd txxm so txxy dxxn't hxxe txe _xxxxxg sxxxxx so txxy wxxxe mxxe in lxxe wxxh txe vxxx nxxxs, wxxh txe xxm axd xxxxl sxxxxs oxxxxxxxxxg txe vxxx oxxs, txe oxxxr sxxxxs wxxl nxxd to mxxxxxxy be axxxd to txe exxxxxxn exxxxxs. (rhino) 16894 EFFECTS: Dxxxxxd uxxxxd sxxxl exxxxxxxs (chuc) 16971 EFFECTS: Nxw vxxxxl sxxxxxxxs bxxxxxxxxs (wxp) (anders) 17028 EFFECTS: Nxw Gxxxxxe exxxxxxxn exxxxt.x(vxxxxl) (anders) 17028 EFFECTS: Rxxxxxd txe RxxB wxxxk txxxxxe fxxm ixs exxxxxxxn pxxxxxxe exxxxxs wxxxh wxs cxxxxxg a CxD axxxr txe wxxxk txxxxxe wxs rxxxxxd. (rhino) 17053 EFFECTS: Cxxxxxd txe pxxxe sxxxd exxxxxs so txxt txxy oxxy lxxt x txo sxxxxxs, nxt ixxxxxxy sxxxxxs as txxy mxxxt be hxxxxxg axxxxd fxr txe exxxxe gxxe axxxr bxxxg pxxxxd, exxn txxu txe sxxxd hxs oxxy oxe lxxp cxxxt wxxxh txe sxxxd is lxxs txxn xxxxs lxxg. (rhino) 17118 EFFECTS: Nxw .xxxxl vxxxxl bxxxxxxxxs (anders) 17175 EFFECTS: Rxxxxxxd gxxxxxe vxxxxl exxxxxxxn (anders) 17175 EFFECTS: Txxk axxxxxt jxt sxxxd axd mxxe it an exxxxt so it cxxxd be axxxxxxd to a txxxxxr. (afsoccer) 17218 FACTIONS: Mxxxxxxd fxxxxxxxxxxt fxr txe wxxxxn cxxxxxxxxxxxxs (bloodydeed) 16285 FACTIONS: Axxxd fxxxxh fxxxxs (bloodydeed) 16331 FACTIONS: Axxxd Vxxxxxm fxxxxxxs axd sxxxxxxs (afterdune) 16355 FACTIONS: Uxxxxxd axl sxxxxxxs wxxh nxw sxxxf (bloodydeed) 16433 FACTIONS: Uxxxxxd vxxxxxe sxxxxxr (bloodydeed) 17238 FACTIONS: Uxxxxxd sxxxxxxs fxr axl fxxxxxxs kxxs (ancientman) 17244 FONTS: Axxxd in axl Bxx fxxxs to rxxxxe txe dxxxxxxxxy of mxxs/bxx/fxxxxxxxxxxt.zxp (ancientman) 16243 GENERAL: Vxxxxxn bxxp to x.xxx (ancientman) 16082 GENERAL: Nxw Rxxo bxxxd sxxxxt, lxt me kxxw if txxxe's axy pxxxxxxs axd sxxxf. (ancientman) 16114 GENERAL: Uxxxxxd txe bxxxd sxxxxt to fxx sxxe ixxxxs wxxh fxxe fxxxxxxxg axd axxxxxxxc bxxxxxxg of a lxxxl if it dxxxxxs txe exe is in a lxxxxs fxxxxr (ancientman) 16122 GENERAL: VxxxxxxS Ixxxxxxd GB Txxxk txxxxxxs (rhino) 16133 GENERAL: Uxxxxxd bxxxd sxxxxt, rxxxxxxs mxxxxd cxxxxt/sxxxxr fxxxxxs to wxxk pxxxxxxy, uxxxxe yxxr exxxxe rxxo fxxxt (ancientman) 16239 GENERAL: Oxxxxxxxxg axxxxxxs ixxo a sxxxxe dxxxxxxxy fxr cxxxxxxxxxs (ancientman) 16250 GENERAL: Fxxxd up a bxxxh of mxxxxxg sxxxxs axd txxxxxxs (ancientman) 16272 GENERAL: Axxxd sxxe cxxe to BxxxxxR.exe to dxxxxxy an exxxr on axy uxxxxxxt exxxxxxxn, to txy axd fxxxxe oxt wxxt's cxxxxxg txe cxxxxxs.xx (ancientman) 16289 GENERAL: Fxxxd BxxxxxR.exe to nxt cxxxh on XP (ancientman) 16302 GENERAL: Fxxxd an ixxxe wxxxe txe bxxxd axp wxxxd axxxxxe axl lxxxxxxp oxxxxxs ixxxxxd of ixxxxxxg txxm lxxe it sxxxxd (ancientman) 16327 GENERAL: Uxxxxxd txe bxxxd axp's "fxxd mxxxxxg" txxxs to oxxy axxxw rxxxxxxe pxxxs (ancientman) 16330 GENERAL: Axxxd mxxxxxg Dxxs rxxxxxxd by txe PR Bxxxxxr (afterdune) 16347 GENERAL: Rxxxxxxd sxxxxxxxxxxxxs.cxn bxxk to pxxxxxxs vxxxxxn. (afterdune) 16379 GENERAL: Uxxxxxd MxC Hxxxxxxxxr cxxxxxxxxxs. (spush) 16389 GENERAL: Uxxxxxxg MxC Hxxxxxxxxr cxxxxxxxxxs. (spush) 16390 GENERAL: Uxxxxxxg MxC Hxxxxxxxxr cxxxxxxxxxs. (spush) 16391 GENERAL: Uxxxxxxg MxC Hxxxxxxxxr cxxxxxxxxxs. (spush) 16392 GENERAL: Uxxxxxxg MxC Vxxxxxxs Txxxxxxs to fxt txe oxxxr MxC vxxxxxxs. (spush) 16393 GENERAL: Uxxxxxxg MxC Vxxxxxxs Txxxxxxs to fxt txe oxxxr MxC vxxxxxxs. (spush) 16394 GENERAL: Uxxxxxxg MxC Vxxxxxxs Txxxxxxs to fxt txe oxxxr MxC vxxxxxxs. (spush) 16395 GENERAL: Uxxxxxxg MxC Vxxxxxxs Txxxxxxs to fxt txe oxxxr MxC vxxxxxxs. (spush) 16396 GENERAL: Uxxxxxxg MxC Vxxxxxe Txxxxxxs to fxt oxxxr mxc vxxxxxxs. (spush) 16397 GENERAL: Uxxxxxd/Cxxxxxd txe Cxxxxxxn Fxxxxs Lxxxxxd xxxM txxxxxe. Txe oxd oxe wxs txxxxxxe. (spush) 16403 GENERAL: Uxxxxxd, axxxd PxA Vxxxxxe Txxxxxxs, Dxxxxt/Wxxxxxxd. Rxxxxxd txe "Bxxxxxxxr" txxt fxxm txe Uxxxxxxxd HxxxV. (spush) 16422 GENERAL: Fxxxxt to rxxxxe txxm. (spush) 16423 GENERAL: Fxxxd up txe fxxd mxxxxxg sxxxf axxxn, txe axxxxxxe pxxxs sxxxl wxxn't rxxxt, nxw it dxxxxxxxxy is.xx (ancientman) 16426 GENERAL: I cxxxxxd PR's vxxxxxn nxxxxr to x.x, bxxxxxe I fxxt lxxe it. (afterdune) 16430 GENERAL: fxxxd txe cxxxxxxg (anders) 16448 GENERAL: Fxxxd vxxxxxn to x.x.xa (ancientman) 16484 GENERAL: [WxxxxxS] Nxw PxM xp/xp sxxxt axd rxxxxd sxxxxs (anders) 16486 GENERAL: Fxxxd #xxx. Oxxxxxxxxh .rxw fxxxs nxt bxxxg axxxd to lxxxl axxxxxxs. (ancientman) 16642 GENERAL: Fxxxd #xxx. Gxxe cxxxxxs axxxr pxxxxxxg sxxxd axxxxxxxxt wxxn uxxxg lxw txxxxxn vxxxo sxxxxxxs dxe to a mxxxxxg fxxe. (ancientman) 16651 GENERAL: Axxxd an exxxy vxxxxxn of txe nxw lxxxxxxr fxr txxxxxg. Sxxxl nxxxs lxxs of wxxk, bxt it sxxxxd lxxxxh txe gxxe axd hxxe it fxxxy fxxxxxxxxxg. Nxxe, axxxr txxs uxxxxe, yxu wxxl nxxd to uxxxxe yxxr sxxxxxxxs to mxxs/pxxxxxo/bxn/Pxxxxxxxxr.exe, as mxxs/pxxxxxo/pr.exe hxs bxxn dxxxxxd. (ancientman) 16886 GENERAL: Fxxxd txe lxxxxxxr to fxxxe axxxxxxxxxxxr axd txe axxxxxxxxxe cxxxxxxxxxxxy mxxxs on txe OS's txxt sxxxxxxs txxm axl axxxxxxxc lxxe (ancientman) 17027 GENERAL: Rxxxxxxd uxxxg a nxxxr vxxxxxn of OxxxxL, sxxxxxxxxy it mxxxxs wxxh sxxxd qxxxxxy. Gxxxs uxxxg bxx's vxxxxxn wxxl be fxxe.xx (ancientman) 17029 GENERAL: Uxxxxxd txe bxxxd axp. It's nxw in txe "bxn" dxxxxxxxy wxxh txe lxxxxxxr, as it sxxxxs txe sxxe cxxe bxxe. Mxxe a sxxxxxxt if yxu wxxt to axxxxs it exxxxy :p (ancientman) 17070 GENERAL: Uxxxxxd bxxxd axp wxxh a bxxxh nxw sxxxf. Sxxe nxw cxxxxxs axe fxxxxxxxs axe lxxxxxxxxd wxxn axxxd to zxxs, axd axy fxxe wxxh a sxxxe in txe nxxe wxxl nxt be axxxd to zxxs. (ancientman) 17116 GENERAL: Mxxe uxxxxxs to txe bxxxd axp, wxxxh is gxxxxxg mxxe axxxxxe by txe dxy (ancientman) 17153 GENERAL: Uxxxxxd txe lxxxxxxr to hxxxxe txe nxw ixxxxxl sxxxxt (ancientman) 17179 GENERAL: Uxxxxxd Oxxxxxxxxxxxxxxf fxr uxe in Bxxxxxxr (j.f.leusch) 17201 GENERAL: Bxxxd axp cxn nxw mxxe fxxl txxt/rxxxxxe bxxxxs (ancientman) 17206 GENERAL: Axxxd pxxxxx axd pxxxxx fxr dxxxxe axd txxxxe sxxxxs. rxxn pxxxxx axd rxxn pxxxxx sxxxxxxs txxm. to sxxxn txe sxxxxxxxm pxxxt, uxe rxxn pxxxxxxxt (ancientman) 17236 GENERAL: Uxxxxxd mxxxxxt.cxn (bloodydeed) 17246 GENERAL: Fxxxd bxxxd axp bxxxg a dxxk, nxt bxxxxxxg sxxe lxxxxs fxxxs axd fxxxd txe lxxxxxxr axd dxxxxxxr nxt wxxxxxg txxxxxxr (ancientman) 17247 HUD: Rxxxxxxxxxxd SxxR-xx to CxxR-xx (w/ AxxG axd Bxxxd) (j.f.leusch) 16095 HUD: Uxxxxxd sxxxxxxxn ixxn dxxxxxxxxxn fxr GxxG/x (j.f.leusch) 16105 HUD: Fxxxd dxxxxxxxxe Txxs axd Mxxxxxs nxt sxxxxxg up on txe mxxxxxp (j.f.leusch) 16145 HUD: Mxxe ZxS-x AT gxn sxxw up on mxxxxxp (j.f.leusch) 16146 HUD: Mxxe axl sxxxxxxxxy AA axd Axs sxxxxxg up on txe mxxxxxp (j.f.leusch) 16149 HUD: Uxxxxxd ZxS-x mxxxxxp ixxn (if nxt lxxe we cxn rxxxxt!x (j.f.leusch) 16166 HUD: Uxxxxxd HxG mxxxxxp ixxn (if nxt lxxe we cxn rxxxxt!x (j.f.leusch) 16166 HUD: Axxxd mxxxxxxxs to Axxxs axd Hxxs (Axs axxxxxy hxd txxm)x(mxxxxxxxs axe txe sxxxl ixxxs txxt sxxw up nxxt to yxxr nxxe in txe sxxxd mxxu) (j.f.leusch) 16166 HUD: Fxxxd txe mxxt sxxxxd bxg wxxxe x lxxxs cxxxxd txe gxxe to cxxxh wxxn pxxxxxxg exxt in txe mxxn mxxu, yxt sxxxxxxxg txxm axxxxd mxxxs it wxxk jxxt fxxe xx (ancientman) 16287 HUD: Axxxxxt to fxx Gxxxxn gxxxxr CxD (j.f.leusch) 16983 HUD: Axxxd mxxxxr mxxu ixxn (a bxxxxr oxe is wxxxxxxd!x (j.f.leusch) 16999 HUD: Rxxxxxd vxxx vxxxxxe pxxxxxxn ixxxs (j.f.leusch) 17018 HUD: Cxxxxxd UK UxL dxxxxxxxxxn to Lxxxxx (j.f.leusch) 17067 HUD: Uxxxxxd Mxxx gxxxxxxxn sxxxxxxxn ixxn (j.f.leusch) 17067 KITS: Axxxd CF exxxxxxr axd sxxxxxxxxt axxxxxxxxxe kxxs (nxxxs to be uxxxxxd in pxxxxn txo) (j.f.leusch) 16100 KITS: Ixxxxxxxd txxxxxn HxT AxS-xxU mxxs to x (j.f.leusch) 16101 KITS: Axxxd nxw Mxxxxxs kxxs txxxxxxs fxxm Sxxxe (hauteclocque) 16119 KITS: Axxxd Cxxxxxxn kxt gxxxxxxxxs (wxxxxxt Lxxs fxr txxxxxg) (hauteclocque) 16181 KITS: Axxxd WxP Fxxxxh kxxs (wxxxxxt Lxxs fxr txxxxxg) (hauteclocque) 16254 KITS: Mxxxr fxxxs to fxxxxh kxxs (no nxxd to txxt) (j.f.leusch) 16278 KITS: Axxxd Mxxx SxR oxxo UxxC mxxxxxxn kxxs, AxT kxt is sxxxxxxxxd vxxxxxn (chuc) 16294 KITS: Axxxd Vxxxxxm kxxs (afterdune) 16353 KITS: Rxxxxxxd Mx Exxxxh wxxh Mx Axxxxxxt on rxxxxxxn sxxxxxxxxt (chuc) 16365 KITS: Fxxxd up kxt axxxxxxxxxs on txe Gxxxxxs wxxh txe nxw BxxS Gxxs (chuc) 16383 KITS: Fxxxd txxo in gxxxxn kxxs, sxe hxxp:x/wxw.rxxxxxxxxd.cxm/fxxxm/fxxx-pr-bxx-cxxxxxxxg/xxxxxx-cxxxxxxxg-wxd-xx-jxn-xxxx-cxxe.hxxl. Rxxo sxxxxd lxxd fxxe axxxn :D (bloodydeed) 16405 KITS: Axxxd/mxxxxxxd sxxxxxl AxT kxxs (bloodydeed) 16408 KITS: Rxxxxxd bxxxxxxxxs fxxm axl kxxs (exxxxt sxxxxr, oxxxxxr, sxxxxxr) of cxxxxxxxxxxl axxxxs (afterdune) 16414 KITS: Rxxxxxd bxxxxxxxxs fxxm axl SP kxxs as wxxl nxw (exxxxt sxxxxr, oxxxxxr, sxxxxxr) of cxxxxxxxxxxl axxxxs. Cxxxxs #xxx. (afterdune) 16415 KITS: Rxxxxxd axxxxt of pxxxxxs to x fxr axl mxxxc kxxs. Txxs cxxxxs #xxx. (afterdune) 16429 KITS: Rxxxxxd ixxxxxxxxy gxxxxxe fxxm AxL kxxs. Txxs cxxxxs #xxx. (afterdune) 16430 KITS: Axxxd MG (GxxG) Kxxs wxxh pxxxxxxxxxr wxxxxxs (bloodydeed) 16432 KITS: Mxxxr fxxxs (no nxxd to txxt) (bloodydeed) 16440 KITS: Uxxxxxd Fxxxxh kxxs (axxxd mxxxxxg Rxxxxxxn AP axd Sxxxh txxxxxxs) (hauteclocque) 16475 KITS: Axxxd rxxxxxn pxxa kxxs fxr dxxxe (ancientman) 16480 KITS: Rxxxxxd ixxxxxxxxy fxxm Fxxxxh kxxs.x I mxxn kxxs (afterdune) 16514 KITS: Gxxe cxxxxxn hxs bxxxxxxxxs bxxk (afterdune) 16514 KITS: Uxxxxxd GxR, UxA, US, CF pxxa kxxs to txe nxw kxt lxxxxt (bloodydeed) 16517 KITS: Uxxxxxd txe Fxxxxh UN kxt, oxd oxe wxs mxxxxxg bxxe UN hxxxxt cxxxr (spush) 16528 KITS: Axxxd nxxxr (axd bxxxxr) UxA Kxt txxxxxxs (spush) 16541 KITS: Axxxd GxxG to Bxxt, UxxC, US Axxy, IxF axd Cxxxxxxn MG kxxs (chuc) 16551 KITS: Uxxxxxd Fxxxxh kxxs cxxxxxxxxe wxxh dxxxxt cxxo hxxxxt axd fxxxd bxxxk sxxt on bxxxxxxxs (spush) 16556 KITS: Rxxxxxd SxD ixxxxxxxxs (chuc) 16558 KITS: Axxxd nxw MxC kxt gxxxxxxxxs (wxxxxxt Lxxs fxr txxxxxg) KxxS: Mxxxxxxd Fxxxxh kxxs wxxxxxs (bxxxxxxs wxxe mxxxxd up) (hauteclocque) 16564 KITS: Mxxxxxxd sxxxxg on MxC kxxs. I've axxxd it to mxxe kxxs as wxxl. (hauteclocque) 16583 KITS: Axxxd sxxxxxh txxxxxe to uxxxxxd MxC kxxs (spush) 16588 KITS: Axxxd MxxxB ExxxN axd MxxxG AxxG to rxxxxxxxxe US Axxy axd UxxC mxxn mxxxxxe gxxxxr kxxs (ixxxxxxxt vxxxxxxs hxxe gxxe to txe axxxxxxxe MG kxxs) (chuc) 16590 KITS: Re-rxxxxxd ixxxxxxxxxxs fxxm MxC kxxs (chuc) 16592 KITS: Sxxxxxd txe PxM ixxo txe MG kxt rxxe (chuc) 16617 KITS: Rxxxxxxd PxM wxxh RxK (Axxxxs) on uxxxxxxxxxxxxl axxo rxxxxxxn kxxs (chuc) 16617 KITS: Axxxd pxxxxxs in pxxxe of sxxxxxs on Mxxxxxe Gxxxxr kxxs (chuc) 16623 KITS: Axxxd axxxxxxxe MxC MG kxt (chuc) 16623 KITS: Axxxd Mxx oxxo Mxxxxxa axd Hxxxs axxxxxxxe gxxxxxxxr kxxs (chuc) 16627 KITS: Rxxxxxxd Gx wxxh Mxx on MxC AA axd HxT kxxs (chuc) 16631 KITS: Sxxxxxxy dxxxxxxd txxxxxe on MxC kxt gxxxxxxxxs (chuc) 16633 KITS: Rxxxxxxxxd kxxxxxxs to dxxxxt txn on MxC kxt gxxxxxxxxs (chuc) 16633 KITS: Rxxxxxxd pxxxxxs on MG kxxs to sxxxxxs (chuc) 16635 KITS: Uxxxxxd MxC kxt gxxxxxxxxs, rxxxxxd bxxxxxxk, rxxxxxd kxxxxxxs axd axxxxxxd txe sxxn axd hxxxxt pxxxxxxn axxxg oxxxr txxxxs (chuc) 16678 KITS: Uxxxxxd PxM dxxxxxxs wxxh nxw PxM (chuc) 16685 KITS: Axxxd Rxxxxm to Rxxxxxn axxo rxxxe kxxs (chuc) 16703 KITS: Rxxxxxxxxd sxxe wxxxxxs on txe uxxxxxxxxxxxxl fxxxxxxs (sxxs me ixxxxxxxxs) (chuc) 16704 KITS: Axxxd axxxxxxxxxe kxxs fxr ME ixxxxxxxxs (chuc) 16714 KITS: Rxxxxxxd Gxxxx wxxh Axxx PxO-x on Txxxxxn axt mxxxxxxn (chuc) 16714 KITS: Axxxd Axxx PxO-x to Mxxxxxa axt mxxxxxxn (chuc) 16714 KITS: Axxxd RxK to pxxxxxy axxo rxxxxxxn kxxs on uxxxxxxxxxxxxl fxxxxxxs (chuc) 16714 KITS: Axxxd Rxxxx to axxxxxxxe axxo rxxxxxxn kxxs on uxxxxxxxxxxxxl fxxxxxxs (chuc) 16714 KITS: Axxxd Hxxxx to FR Mxxxxxxn cxxxxxs (hauteclocque) 16761 KITS: Axxxxxxd Nxxxv ixxxxxxxxs to axl IxF axxo rxxxxxxn kxxs (chuc) 16970 KITS: Sxxxxxxxxxxd IxF kxt pxxxxxy wxxxxn lxxxxxt to be Mxxn x TxR, Axxxxxxe x Mx (chuc) 16972 KITS: Sxt Txxxx Mxxxxxxxd rxxxxx to oxxy txe mxxn Oxxxxxr kxt (chuc) 16972 KITS: Rxxxxxxd sxxxxd Exxxxxd wxxh Mxxxn ZF on Mxxxxxa, HxxxS axd Ixxxxxxxt sxxxxr kxxs (chuc) 17063 KITS: Mxxxr txxxxs, cxxxxxxxd CF PxxA Axt Kxxs (bloodydeed) 17171 KITS: Fxxxd cxxxh on txxxxxn mxxs (bloodydeed) 17178 KITS: Axxxd gxs mxxk (axxxxxxxc cxxxxe oxxy) to Mxxxxxa rxxxxxxn (chuc) 17232 MATERIALS: Uxxxxxd Mxxs wxxh nxw axxxxn wxxl mxt, pxxxxxxxxe pxxxxxc mxt, fxxd gxxxxxc mxt, bxxxxxxxxe dxxr axd gxxe mxxs axd a "rxxxxxxxxt" mxt fxr uxe on jxt wxxxxs so txxy txxe dxxxxe on nxxxxl txxxxxn. (rhino) 16108 MENU: Rxxxxxd uxxxxxxd Gxxxl MxR axd SxxR-xx w/ MxxS sxxxxxxxn ixxxs (j.f.leusch) 16095 MENU: Fxxxd rxxxxxn Sxxx HxD nxt sxxxxxg up (j.f.leusch) 16110 MENU: Axxxd hxxxxxr mxxxxxp ixxn (rhino) 16137 MENU: Axxxd Bxxxxxxg Hi-Pxxxr ixxn to txe rxxo, mxy nxxd to be ixxxxxxd in sxxe axxxs bxxxd fxxe txxxg (rhino) 16192 MENU: Axxxd in rxxxxxxd Bxx mxxu sxxxf to rxxxxe txe dxxxxxxxxy of mxxs/bxx/mxxxxxxxxxt/sxxxxr.zxp (ancientman) 16244 MENU: Axxxd in rxxxxxxd Bxx cxxxxn sxxxf to rxxxxe txe dxxxxxxxxy of mxxs/bxx/cxxxxxxxxxxxt/sxxxxr.zxp (ancientman) 16248 MENU: Axxxd in rxxxxxxd Bxx oxxxxxs sxxxf to rxxxxe txe dxxxxxxxxy of mxxs/bxx/oxxxxxxxxxxxxt/sxxxxr.zxp (ancientman) 16266 MENU: Axxxd wxxxxn cxxxxxxxxxxxxs to txe sxxxxxxxu fxr axl fxxxxxxs exxxxt vxxxxxm axd sxxxxxxxxxxr (bloodydeed) 16284 MENU: Axxxs uxxxxxd wxxh PxM ixxn (chuc) 16304 MENU: Sxxxxxxd pxxxxxxn of Axxxm. Rxxxxxxn axd Sxxxxxxxxt in sxxxxxxxe. Fxxxs #xxx (bloodydeed) 16307 MENU: Uxxxxxd wxxh pxxxxxxxxxr ixxxs fxr SxS axd GxxG vxxxxxxs (chuc) 16326 MENU: Axxxd fxxxxh fxxxxs fxxxs (bloodydeed) 16335 MENU: Rxxxxxd uxxxxxxd fxxxxh fxxxxs axxxs (bloodydeed) 16340 MENU: Axxxd Vxxxxxm ixxxs to axxxs (afterdune) 16348 MENU: Axxxd Vxxxxxm fxxg ixxxs (afterdune) 16349 MENU: Axxxd Vxxxxxm wxxxxn ixxxs (afterdune) 16350 MENU: Axxxd Vxxxxxm vxxxxxe ixxxs (afterdune) 16350 MENU: Axxxd sxxxn wxxxxn mxxxxxxxxxxn to vxxxxxm fxxxxxxs, sxxe sxxxl wxxxxn ixxn fxxxs (bloodydeed) 16406 MENU: Axxxd vxxxxxxxxxxt ixxn pxxxxxxxxxr (uxxs exxxxxd ixxn) (bloodydeed) 16407 MENU: Axxxd fxxxxxxe ixxxxxxxr mxxu fxxe (afterdune) 16419 MENU: Uxxxxxd Gxxxxxxx.txt fxxe (I txxxk txxs is vxxy oxxxxxxd nxw txxt we no lxxxxr ixxxxxe vxxx sxxxf. We nxxd to cxxxk txxs!x (afterdune) 16419 MENU: Fxxxd Vxxxxxm fxxxs (txxy wxxe uxxxxe dxxn)x Fxxxs #xxx. (afterdune) 16424 MENU: Axxxd MG kxt pxxxxxxxxxr ixxxs, rxxs #xxx. Cxxxxxxxe nxt uxxxxxd yxt. (bloodydeed) 16434 MENU: Uxxxxxd cxxxxxxxe wxxh Mxxxxxe Gxxxxr kxt, rxxs #xxx (bloodydeed) 16439 MENU: Axxxd rxxxxxa wxxxxn cxxxxxxxxxxxn axd sxxe mxxxr fxxxs (bloodydeed) 16487 MENU: Uxxxxxd Mxxxx wxxxxn ixxn (it wxs bxxt-uxxy :o)x Txxs fxxxd #xxx bxw. (afterdune) 16512 MENU: Fxxxd GxxxxxxA wxxxxn sxxxxxxxn ixxxs, cxxxxs #xxx (bloodydeed) 16516 MENU: Axxxd nxw mxxxxxe gxxxxr kxt ixxn (chuc) 16520 MENU: Uxxxxxd MG kxt ixxxs (chuc) 16560 MENU: Fxxxd Gx Ixxxxxxxt sxxxxxxxn ixxn cxxxh rxxs #xxx (chuc) 16622 MENU: Uxxxxxd axxxs wxxh a fxw nxw wxxxxn ixxxs (chuc) 16705 MENU: Axxxs uxxxxxd wxxh nxw RxK axd Axxx vxxxxxt rxxxxxd ixxxs (chuc) 16713 MENU: Uxxxxxd Fxxxxh wxxxxn sxxxxxxxn ixxxs. Cxxxxs #xxx (hauteclocque) 16762 MENU: Axxxd GxC xxx, VxB axd VxxI vxxxxxe ixxxs (hauteclocque) 16832 MENU: Axxxd Lxxxxxc, AxX-xxxC axd Pxxxxxr jxxp vxxxxxe ixxxs (hauteclocque) 16834 MENU: Axxxs uxxxxxd wxxh vxxxxxs ixxxs (chuc) 17084 MENU: Axxxd MxxxxxxxxxT wxxxxn cxxxxxxxxxxxn (bloodydeed) 17169 MENU: Uxxxxxd wxxxxn cxxxxxxxxxxxn sxxxxm wxxh txe lxxxxt cxxxxxs (bloodydeed) 17176 MENU: Axxxd pxxxxxxxxxr wxxxxn ixxn fxr rxxxxxxxxxxxv, fxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxh, ixxxxxxxxxxl, rxxs #xxx (bloodydeed) 17177 MENU: Uxxxxxd cxxxxxs (bloodydeed) 17184 MENU: Axxxd mxxxxxg Sxxx vxxxxxe ixxn (bloodydeed) 17237 NOTE: Bxxe txxxxxxs wxxe axxxd fxr txxxe oxxxxxs txxt nxxxxd txxm bxt no cxxxxm txxxxxxs wxxe axxxd, sxxh as _xxxxxxxd, _xg, exc. (afsoccer) 16338 OBJECTS: Axxxd fxxxxh fxxxxs cxxxxxd pxxt, fxxxs, bxxxxxxxs, exxxxxs, rxxxxxxxxt, cxxxxs (bloodydeed) 16333 OBJECTS: Axxxd sxxxxxs uxxd fxr fxxxt txxe on Bxxxk Gxxd:x xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxm xx mxxxxxxxxxxxxxxa xx mxxxxxxxxxxxxxxb xx mxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxm (afsoccer) 16336 OBJECTS: Axxxd txe fxxxxxxxg oxxxxxs uxxd fxr fxxxt txxe in Pxxxxxxk Bxy, Op Mxxxxn axd Vxxxo Cxxy:x xx exxxxxs/sxxxxxxx/exxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxe xx rxxxs/sxxxxxs/bxxxxxxxxxxt xx rxxxs/sxxxxxs/txxxxxxxxxxt xx xxxxxxxxxxx xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx xxxxxxxxxxxxx xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx xxxxxxxxxxxx xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxn xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxe xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxe xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxn xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxm xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx xxxxxxxxxxxt xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxx(pxxt x of x) (afsoccer) 16337 OBJECTS: Pxxt x of x axxxd txe fxxxxxxxg oxxxxxs uxxd fxr fxxxt txxe in Pxxxxxxk Bxy, Op Mxxxxn axd Vxxxo Cxxy:x xx xxxxxxxxxxx xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx pr/hxxxxr/lxxxxxxxxe xx hxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx hxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx hxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx hxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx rxxxxxxxxxxxxe xx rxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx rxxxxxxxxxxxxl xx rxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx rxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx rxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxr _xxxxxxxr _xxxxxxxxxxxr xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxr xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxr xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxn axd axl axxxxxxxxd sxb-oxxxxxs (afsoccer) 16338 OBJECTS: Axxxd Vxxxxxm fxxxs, rxxxy pxxxxs, sxxxxy oxxxxxs axd vxxxxxe dxxxxs (afterdune) 16345 OBJECTS: Axxxd rxxxxxxxxxxxx.dxs txxxxxe. (afsoccer) 16362 OBJECTS: Ixxxxxxxd txe cxxl dxxxxxxe fxr txxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxg fxxm x (xxm) to x (xxxm)x (afsoccer) 16410 OBJECTS: Cxxxxxd cxxxxm lxxxxxxxs fxr "pr/ixxxxxxxxl/mxxxxxxxe/mxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxm" dxe to oxxxxxxl oxxs bxxxg bxxxxd. (afsoccer) 16413 OBJECTS: Axxxd xxxxxxxxxxxxxxp, xxxxxxxxxxxxb, axd xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxe fxr uxe on Fxxxs Rxxd vx.x Axxxd gxxxs (bxxxxxd oxxxxxs) to mxxxxxxxxxp axd lxxxxxxxxxxxxxe as txe xp vxxxxxxs dxd nxt wxxk cxxxxxxxy.x Fxr gxxw vxxxxxn, uxe txe _xxt sxxxxx. (afsoccer) 16420 OBJECTS: Axxxd sxxxf uxxd on Sxxxxxxa (exxxxt txe txxxs, txxxe axe lxw qxxxxxy axd wxxl be pxxxxd wxxh txe mxp, mxxxxxs pxxxxe do nxt uxe txxm) (outlawz) 16447 OBJECTS: Fxxxd pr/bxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx so it cxxxd be lxxxxxxxxxd pxxxxxxy; axxo ixxxxxxxd cxxxxxxxxxxe fxxm x (xxxm) to x (xxxm) fxr axl vxxxxxxxxs of txxs wxxl so it wxxxxn't dxxxxxxxr at sxxh a cxxxe dxxxxxxe.x Fxxxs wxxe pxxxxxxd by cxxxxxs to Ixxn Rxxxe. (afsoccer) 16545 OBJECTS: Fxxxd mxxxxxxy/oxxxxxs/mxxxxxxxxa so it cxn nxw hxxd a lxxxxxxp xxxx Nxw sxxxxxxxxh lxxxs exxxxxy txe sxxe axd no nxxd to do axxxxxxg to mxxs axxxxxy wxxh txxs oxxxxt.xx bxt if yxu wxxt to go bxxk axd lxxxxxxp it, it's nxw pxxxxxxe. (afsoccer) 16604 OBJECTS: Axxxd LxD fxxxs axd mxxh fxr wxxxxxxxxxxxxx sxxxe txxxe wxxe nxxe axd gxxe cxxxxxs wxxxxxt txxm. (afsoccer) 16656 OBJECTS: Axxxd Jxxxxxxxxxxxxxm (amokandy) 17234 PYTHON: dxxxo's pxxxxc txxxl #x. (dbzao) 16151 PYTHON: Mxxxxd PR:V pxxxxn cxxxxxs. Mxxxd rxxxxxxxxxxxxm.py cxxxxxxs to rxxxxxxxxxxxxxy.py. Wxxl wxxk on txe txxxxxs cxxe nxxt. (dbzao) 16160 PYTHON: Fxxxxg ixxxe wxxh rxxxxxxg rxxxy pxxxxs. (dbzao) 16165 PYTHON: Axxxd wxxxxn cxxxxxxxxxxxxs pxxxxn bxxxxxd (bloodydeed) 16286 PYTHON: Mxxe uxxxxxxxxxxxxr uxxxxe by txe IxF. Fxxxs #xxx (bloodydeed) 16321 PYTHON: Bxxxs do no lxxxxr cxxt txxxxxs. Rxxs #xxx (bloodydeed) 16322 PYTHON: Axxxd Vxxxxxm's Nxxxxm sxxxxxr (afterdune) 16344 PYTHON: Mxxxxd fxxxxxxd fxxxs, axxxd FR vxxxxxxxs, rxxxxxxd sxxe uxxxxxxxxxxd db cxxxxxs. Oxxxr rxxxxxxxxxxxxs wxxl fxxxxw wxxn oxxxr pxxxxn cxxxxxs hxxe bxxn dxxe. (bloodydeed) 16398 PYTHON: UxV dxxxn't exxxxe axxxxxe; x mxn to rxxxxxxe. Axxxxt of nxxxxd ixxxxxxxxs to gxxe cxxxxxxxr ixxxl rxxxxxd fxxm x to x; txxe fxr ixxxxxxxxs to dxxxxy rxxxxxd fxxm xxx to xx sxxxxxs. (bloodydeed) 16399 PYTHON: rxxxxxxxxxs no lxxxxr exxxxe. Oxxxxxn txxxs nxw x exxxxxs wxxxxn xxm. No dxxxy bxxxxxn sxxxxxg rxxxxxs. Rxxs #xxx (bloodydeed) 16401 PYTHON: Rxxxxxd kxt axxxxxxxxn dxxxy fxr axl ixxxxxxy kxxs, fxxxs #xxx. Axxxw txo mxxxxs pxr sxxxd, fxxxs #xxx (bloodydeed) 16402 PYTHON: Rxxxxxxd sxxe uxxxxxxxxxxd cxxxxxs (bloodydeed) 16404 PYTHON: Ixxxxxxxxxd axl lxxxxt cxxxxxs to axl pxxxxn cxxxxxs. Rxxs #xxx. (bloodydeed) 16409 PYTHON: Dxxxxxxd mxxxxr on
No, it's not. Thus making it all the more attractive. Guess we should just keep out eyes out for the AS50 AWS. Where were those tents again pig? Got the server memorized just not the grid.
I dunno... but we hiked 6K so you could go pick it up.
[poll] Are you bored with PR Co-op?
lazlohollyfeld replied to =VG= BLuDKLoT's topic in Project Reality
Before all the server issues cropped up, seemed the best time to find a large amount of people playing was on Saturday mornings US/evening EU. Maybe we could try to get a group of people on Saturdays to play for a bit. Nothing attracts a crowd like a crowd, If we got enough people playing in the morning we would likely have a fair amount of people on the server for the rest of the day. It wouldn't be much, but it would be a start. -
[poll] Are you bored with PR Co-op?
lazlohollyfeld replied to =VG= BLuDKLoT's topic in Project Reality
I never got bored with playing PR, maybe just bored of listening to melon's bellyaching. Seriously though, I've had tons of hours of fun playing on the VG PR server and met a bunch of great guys through the game and the community. I may have came ages after the great glory days of the PR server, but when I did start playing it was the only COOP server with a sense of community and balanced to keep the trolls mostly at bay, while still being friendly and inviting to new players. Countless players have come and gone over time, but many found good times on the VG server and would come back often. My interest in playing PR has waned over the last few months, but it was mostly from being burnt out on playing the game so much and having to deal with the server difficulties that cropped up. It would suck spending 40 minutes trying to set things up on muttrah when the server would reset every hour. I understand that the issues were largely out of the VG realm of control, but the player count took a hit and never really recovered. Downtime coupled with the fact that its summer and there are a ton of new games to steal peoples focus away, but plenty of people have also left because they've moved on with life. I know at least 3 guys left to join the military, 2 that life just got too busy that they couldn't devote the time to game anymore, and I can think of one guy that I wouldn't be surprised to find out failed his way out of college from playing PR all time. !memo I too have been lured away from PR, but I managed to meet and get to know plenty of other great guys in the VG community. I received a free copy of ARMA:OA from a VG promotion that I allowed me to play DayZ with a bunch of people that I hadn't met in the community before. People may not be playing much PR anymore, but it was a big reason a lot of them joined the community. Ultimately, I can understand that the server costs and upkeep required for the PR server are hard to justify with the lack of a sold player base playing regularly. Maybe PR Ver 1.0 will bring about a new era of people coming to play PR, but who really knows. I've had many hours of fun playing and would likely find my way back to playing regularly sometime soon. I just can't quit you PR. !iloveyou I would hate to see the PR server go, but nothing gold can stay. -
Day 45: Received word of an injured comrade and set out on a mission to recover his gear. I decided to hop onto US129 since we had seen numerous tents in the northern woods on there before. I climbed over the hill of our former base camp and was instantly greeted with two tents and tractor just on the other side. I scouted the tents and found the range finders I've been dying to play with as well as some satchel charges, antibiotics, and NVGs. I grabbed those sweet goodies but I passed on the AS50 and numerous other weapons deciding to leave room to haul Eclipses gear back. I hopped in the tractor and headed west along the edge of the map, counting no less than 6 tents on my journey across, and pulled into a relatively safe area and logged to hop over to US 45. After waiting 10 minutes and 5 minutes to get in unsuccessfully, I gave up and went back to the original server in hopes to pick up something worth while for the mates. While loading in I heard the long forgotten sounds of waves gently lapping against the shoreline and was greeted on the coast near Balota. I quickly checked my bag and was relieved to see that my ill gotten gains were still mine. Still trying to figure out where I'm actually at, but if I have to make a run it might be a refreshing change since I've spent the last 3 weeks hiding in the great north plundering. If we can meet up I'll lead you back up to the flock. If anyone else is looking for loot, play around on US129 because you're bound to find tents in almost every forested kilometer of the great north. Happy hunting friends.
The DayZDB has been updated to allow for custom shareable map markers. We'll have to see how well this works out. http://dayzdb.com/news/new-feature-custom-markers