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Everything posted by Cyrus

  1. Cyrus

    Ban Appeal

    Hello, regarding about my appeal. When will he response?
  2. 1. Banned Username - Cyrus2613 2. What Server(s)?* - Veterans Gaming Coop 3. When did this happen? - Around 11:30 Noon 4. Reason you were banned - Incorrect use of vehicles/squads, leading to a ban. I've mistakenly used vehicles not assigned from my squad up to 4x 5. Describe the events leading up to your ban ( how did this occur and why? ) - As I sad earlier, At first, I've used an helicopter when I'm assigned to a tank squad, second, I've used an attack helicopter when assigned to a transport squad, third, I used an osprey when I'm assigned to a CAS squad, please forgive as I did not knew the rules at that time. 6. Personal Statement ( Why should we unban you? ) - There maybe no reason to unban me but, I just want to play this type of games. Please unban me, and I will correct my mistakes this time.
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