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Everything posted by Sean

  1. 1. Reason you were banned I can't get past the insurgency splash screen (where it says "by Pogoman" etc), but received some help on TeamSpeak where people told me it comes up as something like "Banned (Alt)", but also flagged up as intentional teamkilling for someone else 2. Personal Statement ( Why should we unban you? ) I really have no idea why I have been banned, I don't engage in intentional teamkilling that I know of, it's been suggested that I have been caught up in a sweep of bannings when the server has been hacked at some point. As a part of a gaming community which focuses mainly on Arma 2 and some OA, I would be letting the group down if I were to behave like the ban suggests. 3. What Server Operation Arrowhead server 4. Banned Username Sean/SPC S. Smith
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