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Posts posted by JarzRozzz

  1. Hi, didnt know where to put this so i decided this was the best area.

    2 Weeks ago, i decided, hell, imma try squad leader, the map was Jabal. we got 13000 points, everyone else, like 1500, my first squad lead game. so i thought to myself, maybe i should start a big squad like the recon squad badploy has, thought it was a great idea, and now ive been getting 6 players in my squad in like 10 seconds. and i thought, im changing the rules here and there, like, we shouldnt be using a stryker, ect. so i made some rules and guidelines...

    Here they are
    I would like, 1 Medic, 1 Rifleman, 1 Rope, 1 HAT, 1 AR

    Humvees and logis only

    talk to me if you want cas,

    Thats straight and simple :)

    1 Thing is, no mic. ill get one as soon as i can.


  2. yeah, i tdid not work, dang it i had really good gameplay yesterday and the day before. also figured out im a really good squad leader, that would have been grea tto record. 13000 points on jabal as a inf squad. first time as squad lead, thx for the tips anyways, but any other suggestions?
  3. Hi, i need some help obviously and would appriciate it.

    ok, fraps... my fraps wont run on pr. no idea why, works on every other game. or video full screen, but thats another topic. im wanting to participate in the $75 dollar video prize thing with 5 mins of gameplay, but fraps wont work... any specific res i need? enable or disables? anything. i would like 75 dollars for battlefield 3, and play on your upcoming server on that :):)

    any help appriciated.
  4. ''Look in your pr folder for the zip file named:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\EA GAMES\Battlefield 2\mods\pr
    Copy the folder to your clipboard (Ctrl +c)
    find the folder inside the bf2 mod folder named: 'xpack'
    C:\Program Files (x86)\EA GAMES\Battlefield 2\mods\xpack
    Open xpack
    Paste the zip 'shaders client' from your clipboard into it (Ctrl+v)
    That's it
    Restart PR
    Should work now
    Post back if you need more help
    Good luck''

    i think thats how i fixed it. try that before reboot. glad if i helped
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