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Website Updates and Upgrades are still underway! We don't expect any further downtime, but we thank you for your patience as we restore themes and other elements including the Chatbox.


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Posts posted by NTF_MB

  1. The server has been alive the last months actually. There have been occansions when it has benn full. However there are not that many old players on, but a few of us.
    I still love the game and now that a few of us have the admin rights and can police the server it seems to be smoother.
    I would love an event but I?m to lazy to organize one.

    And it is kind of hard to play when the server is down.
  2. Hi Blud.

    I am personally not bored with the game.
    But then again it?s not that often the game itself. It?s the gameplay. And I love the coop when we are many on it.
    I just wish that more played it. It?s a bit sad that other servers have players and Vg is empty.
    I try to go in and with a presence attract players, but playing alone. That?s when the game, or any game get?s booring.
    The crashes are a problem that?s true. They interrupt the game when yoo finally has got something set up.
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