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Posts posted by FPSGeraud

  1. I know most of us play Project Reality but I was wondering what other games other people play and if many of you play Rising Storm 2? It is Vietnam warfare PVP game similar to Project Reality. You will require a better PC than you need for Project Reality but I feel it brings a similar level of intensity in the PVP arena. If anyone is interested in playing, I mostly play in the Australia or SEA servers but have fibre optic internet and would be willing to give it a go on other servers like I do with Project Reality.

    Feel free to add me on Steam: FPSGeraud

    You will usually find me as the commander of a team or squad leader and I would be willing to teach new players if you join the game.

  2. Hey guys,

    Haven't been on for a while but wanted to bring your attention to a realistic U.S. civil war fps shooter you might all be interested in. The game is built around the idea of units needing to move in formations since you lose more tickets when you die out of formation and you lose morale. Would call the game the "Project Reality" of Napoleonic shooting games.

    The game feels more like going to a civil war reenactment rather than playing a video game. So if you are into that kind of thing I think you will enjoy it.

    Add me on steam if you want to join up in a regiment: FPSGeraud


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    • Upvote 3
  3. Map was a pretty good success, seeing all the armour die to tow missiles and mortars at the start was pretty funny. Then driving around in the Spandrel somehow avoiding all the rpg's and taking out all the enemy armour was very satisfying.

    • Upvote 2
  4. Not going to lie, everyone thinks being an admin is power and fun but really admin stands for administration and that is what it is. Every few minutes you have to pause your game and deal with the riff raff but in the end it is worth it. Try connecting to any other coop server without admins and you see the difference where there is no squads and only chaos. I am Australian and I would rather the 300 ping I get with VG than the insanity I get with GDO servers tbh.

    • Upvote 3
  5. 19 hours ago, =Wolf= Jersans said:

    Actually weird question. Is it also possible to host a PvP event on the servers? Like geographically, meaning  where you live? So say Eastern versus Western world which would mean I'd play with the East because I live there and play against say, everyone that lives in the western hemisphere? 

    I'm fairly sure we have enough Russian, Polish, Asian players to go against the Americans, Germans and Brits. Perhaps even on a 40-40 type event. Say 4 maps. Something like that and recreating a defensive and later assualt situation? 

    I'm just thinking aloud here.

    Cries in Australian, not even part of NATO... Where is the Aussie team? I want to use a Steyr AUG but PR doesn't even care about us :'(

    Can we please get a map to re-enact the great Emu War already...

    • Upvote 2
  6. What's Up People???


    Hey, feels like forever since I was playing PR. I bought a gaming PC then went crazy playing every game I could get my hands on. They were all missing the teamwork that I had come to love that PR has so I am back for better or worse.

    I am thinking of getting back into PR on a regular basis so am hoping there is still some guys playing from back in the day when I was playing lots!


    See you all soon on the battlefield!


    PS. Feel free to add me on steam FPSGeraud.

    • Upvote 7
  7. Hey guys,

    For some reason I can't start mapvotes any more. It says you have insufficient rights to use this command but I can still change the map/use other admins commands. Has the mapvote command been removed or am I just experiencing some random glitch?

    Is anyone else suffering from the same problem?


  8. I was reading some server commands on the project reality forums and came across this:

    New ban function for temporary bans
    This part of the announcement is especially related to our serveradmins. Each number is representing 1 day.

    • Permanent ban (no changes)
      • !b <playername> <reason>
        example: !b Wicca for bringing a knife to a gunfight
    • Temporary ban
      • write tb: and a number in the reason
        !b <playername> tb:<duration in days> <reason>
        1 day temp ban:
        !b Wicca tb:1 for bringing a knife to a gunfight
        1 week temp ban:
        !b Wicca tb:7 for bringing a gun to a knifefight
        1 year temp ban:
        !b Wicca tb:365 for bringing a fight to a knifegun

    I was wandering whether anyone knows whether this is working on the VG coop server. Could be useful in situations where the player does something disruptive that deserves more than a kick but does not necessarily require a permanent ban. Let us know what you think.

    • Upvote 1
  9. alawi346 LAN_WROTE ...

    XD NO ONE OBEYS THE RULE WHEB ADMINS ARE ON, but what if someone steals it do u have the right to shoot them?

    If someone is breaking the rules shooting at them is not the right option. First try and talk to them ingame, maybe they took it by mistake. If they don't care and no admins are on report them using the !r command, check teamspeak for available admins to come online and even if there are no admins available then just start a kick vote ingame for the offending player. Revenge killing will only make you come under scrutiny when admins are looking through the logs.

  10. mectus11 LAN_WROTE ...

    and I came in like a wrecking baaaall! http://mectus11.kissr.com/episodeone.php
    Took a more "classic" classified file approach.

    This looks really cool, for some reason some of the text overlays over the images for me but still looks really good. I think we will edit the plans a bit before the event but most of what I had written still applies.
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