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PR: Setting up shortcut keys for Mumble

=VG= Kavelenko

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Hi Guys,

I just thought I'd post this pic to help out Vincent who tends to have problems losing his mic or speaker connection while in game. There is a bug in PR that happens sometimes on logging into the game where either your squad members cannot hear you or vice versa.

The solution is to create two shortcut keys so that you can unmute your mic or your in game speaker.

When you launch the game, under Options when launcher loads, select the PR Mumble tab as below.

Click on Mute Microphone and select a key (in my case I used minus(-) and the equals(=) for Mute Speakers because they are unused.

Click apply, and you're done.

This will enable you to login to PR next time and if you cannot hear your team mates or they cannot hear you, you will be able to unmute yourself by hitting one or both of these shortcut keys.


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