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My Honest Review of PR Bot's


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Hello Veteran's Gaming,

So after about a week's time with these new Bot Changes, I wanted to post my review of the bot changes and discuss about both the pro's and con's. This is my honest take on how I feel the AI is at this moment.Please note that all context and arguments made are purely based off my perspective and opinion.


1. What Bot Change?
2. Pros of the bots
3. Cons of the bots
4. My Conclusive Opinion of the bots


1. What Bot Change?
If you aren't aware, the AI Bot's received a significant change to their dificulty and behavior. Their difficulty has been increased and so along things like increased accuracy and rate of fire. (Please correct me if I'm wrong) The previous AI Bot's I believe were set at Difficulty 70? Where obviously, their accuracy and volume of fire were lower then what it is now.

Because of this change, our new AI friends have begun to operate more effectively against the human-player side and are more formidable than they've ever been before. Providing a new challenge then the previous standard bot's.


2. Pro's of the Bot Change
Because of this change, it has provided a real challenge against more skilled players such as me =) They are a dangerous foe and one single bot can decimate an entire squad. This promotes more teamwork into the mix and makes it fun to fight for every inch of ground against the bots (That is if you are working with a squad that is communicating and using teamwork). You can no longer win by soloing an assault against the entire bot team but rather use teamplay to accomplish objectives.


3. Con's of the Bot Change
However there is a downside to the change just as much as there is an upside. Because these bot's have transformed into Chuck Norris bot's, they can be very demoralizing when either the server has very few players or if there are not enough skilled players able to combat against these bots. This creates a poor gaming experience and will more than likely cause players to leave the server.


4. My Conclusive Opinion of the bots
With these new changes to the AI. I can say that they can very fun to fight against when I am cooperating and communicating with other squads. For the first time in 4 months, I actually had some fun playing the game. It's very rewarding to complete a map to the end knowing that you gave it your all.

But... there are quite a lot things I did not like with these new changes. For one, their bot mechanics are dramatically increased. They are able to shoot VERY accurately AND move at the same time. If a bot get's the drop on you, there is a very strong chance that you will be unable to effectively react due to their accuracy. This is very true for how deviation works as well. They do not "need" to stop to to hit you compared to how we must stop to allow our deviation to drop in order to accurately shoot. It is frustrating when a bot peels around the corner and "Snap" shots you before you can even pull up your sight to shoot back.

Server-Wise, I myself have left the server due to too few players on the server to actually progress through the map. The task I feel is too daunting to undertake. Because the server unfortunately crashes every now and then, the server is emptied out and can take hours before it is full again. During this downtime is when it is near impossible to progress through a map.

My final honest opinion about this change is a NO

The first time I played on the VG Coop server. All I wanted to do was just have some fun, kick it back and enjoy the game for as much as it is worth. Ever since the change, I am more frustrated than am having fun and that in my opinion is game-breaking. I prefer the easier standard bot's as it is more beginner friendly and still somewhat fun to play against.
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There is already a topic discussing this.

Pr is supposed to be hard, the fun is in the challenge.

If you want to shoot fish in a barrel, your welcome to do so on another server.

While the majority are having fun and getting on with the changes, just a couple of players are making a fuss, making out the changes are some terrible thing, because .....

drum roll........

they get killed !!!!!

Welcome to PR
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