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=VG= Arma3 Alpha Server

=VG= SavageCDN

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Tonic developed a few fix scripts for the server my friends and I run and we trialed them with some success, but the guy who made this whole thing has been using us as a testbed and literally sitting in the server adding workarounds to his virus as fast or faster than we can fix them.
It's turned into an arms race and the people with the power to actually fix it (make uiNamespace inaccessible, stop bis_fnc's from being redefined, etc) seem to be hiding behind "wait for BattleEye" with all the usual apologists that accompany any major issue in an Alpha/Beta.
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I was playing on the Arma3 private Acre server, for quite some time on my own, around 17:10 a guy named " REAPER " showed up, and just stood AFK in base.. I greeted him with a "hi" and he responded with a "hey". After another 5 minutes, the mission failed all of a sudden. I?ve never seen the " Mission Failed " screen on that server before, and since the " REAPER " guy wasnt on TeamSpeak, and now NOT responding in chat, i got scared he might be trying to make me reload the mission and i could be in risk of getting the "virus script".. I hung around on the mission failed screen and tried contacting a VG admin, since none was on TeamSpeak (again sadly) i just Disconnected the mission failed screen, after consulting other VG members, and left the server before any new mission reloaded.
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Hard resetting the A3 servers can only be done by a select few members (myself, Poffadder, now SemlerPDX) as it requires us to login to the server itself into a disconnected RDP session.

This is soley due to the fact we do not have dedicated Arma3 server files yet... once this happens we can use our regular admin software TCAdmin... meaning there will be a lot more people available to help with things like resets.

I've reset Pub2 and Private servers now.... thanks for the report KillALot. I've seen REAPER in the server before I think he is OK.

For my own reference:

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KillAlot LAN_WROTE ...

I was playing on the Arma3 private Acre server, for quite some time on my own, around 17:10 a guy named " REAPER " showed up, and just stood AFK in base.. I greeted him with a "hi" and he responded with a "hey". After another 5 minutes, the mission failed all of a sudden. I?ve never seen the " Mission Failed " screen on that server before, and since the " REAPER " guy wasnt on TeamSpeak, and now NOT responding in chat, i got scared he might be trying to make me reload the mission and i could be in risk of getting the "virus script".. I hung around on the mission failed screen and tried contacting a VG admin, since none was on TeamSpeak (again sadly) i just Disconnected the mission failed screen, after consulting other VG members, and left the server before any new mission reloaded.

hey there, its me....REAPER, I am a member and it was me that was in the VG room with you this morning. Sorry I was not in TS but I was having trouble getting into the virtual ammo box etc, lol I only had about 20 mins gaming time so I could not stay after that. Didn't mean to scare you but I don't have a virus and am not a hacker :)

Thanx savage...I have been away for a while but i'm back and ready to get killed all over the fine Island of Stratis ;)
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Any player can pass the infection. Once infected you MUST restart your game client to clear the infection. Restarting the game client reloads the REAL game files and overwrites the infected files.

DO NOT go from server to server while infected.

Just restart the game each and every time you want to try a different server.
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I recommend moving to the DEV build from this point forward.

Posted by DnA
EXE rev. 04517
?Small first of many stages to reduce MP security vulnerabilities: should no longer be needed to restart the whole game to undo the common functions breach. This should also prevent it from spreading (but does not help the current situation on default branch servers of course). More on the topic in the next SITREP.
?Added: new events for inventory event handlers: "Take" and "Put"
?New: making PhysX vehicle simulation run on more threads (can cause possible random crash while WIP)
?Fixed: improved path planning related to roads
?Helicopter light tweaked for new lighting settings
?Diver UW magazine count modified
?Fixed: BIS_fnc_infoText was using obsolete sound
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From what I've been reading the Dev branch doesn't really solve much and in fact can cause some other issues including breaking existing missions. Also running Dev adds more work for updating, etc, and we may not be able to run the ACRE server on Dev... so I'm a bit hesitant...

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Latest version 2.99e of Xeno's Domination. This should be compatible with the next alpha build. I expect all current missions to break on next patch.

* Changed: Send players with a non valid UID back to the lobby
* Changed: All clientside functions are now compiled with compileFinal, means they can't be changed during mission runtime anymore.
* Changed: Started with moving object creation from clients to the server (create vehicle @MHQ for example). Might setting up Battleye easier once it is available.
* Fixed: Side mission 4 did not end (containers can't be destroyed). Replaced container with a cargo box
* Fixed: Units will have their grenades back and usable again after respawn, finally really fixed.

Forum thread with link to mission file.

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Hey guys, a couple of quick questions;

1) When I am playing in the Insurgency server I am invincible to enemy fire....hmmmm?

2) When playing in the Sandbox Server I cannot respawn with working ammo in my gear.......if I am wounded and get revived it has the same issue. I have all my gear but it acts like I have nothing....hmmm?

3) If these issues are fixable (I understand its just the Alpha etc) can the server settings be adjusted to NOT show enemy positions on the Intel Map.....just a request, if no then no problem :)

Thanx for reading
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I believe an Admin should be able to change the mission parameters if you find one on TeamSpeak. I believe the public servers are set to Normal/Veteran mode to make it a bit more accessible.

Should also remember that "in the future"? battlefield intelligence will be shared through the squad and upwards more easily than it was in in the old days, with more real-time data sources such as personal drones, so it is probably more realistic to actually have enemies appear on the map as they are spotted by yourself or friendly units. ^^
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Reaper LAN_WROTE ...

1) When I am playing in the Insurgency server I am invincible to enemy fire....hmmmm?

2) When playing in the Sandbox Server I cannot respawn with working ammo in my gear.......if I am wounded and get revived it has the same issue. I have all my gear but it acts like I have nothing....hmmm?

3) If these issues are fixable (I understand its just the Alpha etc) can the server settings be adjusted to NOT show enemy positions on the Intel Map.....just a request, if no then no problem :)

1 - this is an issue with the current version of A3 Insurgency we need to wait for the original authors to fix
2 - I think this is fixable with the latest version of VAS (Virtual Ammobox System) - I'll need to update the mission
3 - yes that is Veteran mode... which also disables all map markers and other 'indicators' - much harder on players. I'll check the settings though I think there is a way I can just disable those enemy indicators (assuming the setting actually works in A3 like it does in A2.. not all do)

I'm still on the fence with the Dev version. Will it be any different if we stay on Stable version and lock the servers vs going with Dev version and unlocking the servers but not having any players anyway cause no one uses the Dev version? Dev version also does not fix the hacking problem just the spreading of the hack, and comes with it's own issues and instabilities being Dev.

They really need to release the dedicated server binaries ASAP... not that this would solve the hacking problem but at least would make managing the servers less painful

Thanks for the link for Domi PITN I'll try and get it up on the server today.
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Updated all 3 servers to DEV build - you will need to update your client as well (right-click, properties, updates tab, opt in for Dev build)

Added compatible Domination mission to both pub servers (works with Dev build) - private has the ACRE version still

I cannot test at work can someone join both pub servers and make sure the mission loads corrrectly?
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