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=VG= Arma3 Alpha Server

=VG= SavageCDN

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Fucking hell.. .this is why I wanted to avoid the dev branch:


So we are down to one server now - Pub#1 running latest Domi no ACRE
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Dedicated Server file info.



Dedicated server - status

Alpha state changes aren't definitive! it's Work-In-Progress, the aim is to offer :

1. Dedicated server to run non-dependent on STEAMclient (yet support STEAMcmd deployment)
2. Dedicated server capable run multiple binaries on same OS instance
3. ability to run at least 1 instance of Client / Dedicated Client on same OS instance where is already Dedicated Server(or Servers)
4. if possible allow multiple Dedicated Clients on same OS instance where is already Dedicated Server (or Servers)
5. if 4. possible then in the end allow to run multiple Dedicate (HeadLess) Clients (super fast network mode)
6. if possible offer both Windows and Linux binaries (atm. Test available only for Windows platform)

* each instance of Client / Dedicated Client (both modes) needs unique STEAM account with the Arma 3 game ownership

note: that You can use STEAMcmd (non-GUI) https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/SteamCMD instead of STEAMclient (GUI)

very short and simple summary to avoid repeated questions onto dedicated server subject,

stability - x4 (work in progress)
server binary - x2 (work in progress) , (Test build of binary atm. tested by ~100 server admins)
server data package - WIP (work in progress), STEAMcmd support
server distribution - WIP (work in progress), STEAMcmd support
server administration - WIP (work in progress)
server anti-cheat - WIP (work in progress)
secret goodies - WIP (work in progress)

* Linux server binary is slated for release after Windows server binary

note: later will be replaced with links and more detail

Last edited by Dwarden; Yesterday at 18:59
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Played for 3-4 hours on the VG Domi server.....lots of fun with a good group of guys. Nice performance and only a slight stuttering issue now and again (not very often in fact).
Echo was the 'Admin' and set the parameters for good team play!!
If no VG member is online, how do I set parameters (or do I not, lol)?

Reaper :0
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^let me know what params should be changed and I can edit them to be the defaults

Dedicated server is up and running Domination (dev build on port 2402)
We can only run once instance of a server at the moment.

The bonus is that the game is now setup in TCAdmin so it's easy to restart, etc. Still no RCON tools however...
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Savage -

I asked Echo to switch the following params;

Allow teleport to MHQ
Time of day 08:00 (or whatever you feel is best)
Allow Revive
Enemy skills are set at NORMAL (but they feel like super AI, lol)
Allow view distance to be changed
Only Pilots can FLY

This is what I can remember off the top of my head - many thanx!!!

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http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?149636-Development-branch-changelog -- change log for dev Branch.

EXE rev. 04711
Dedicated Server files added to the root of the game (arma3server.exe and supporting libraries)
Attenuation of dynamic lights can now be influenced by a new parameter in asset configuration - maximum distance of light
On steep surfaces, players now crouch instead of fully standing up
Various types of lights on the Ka 60 improved (placement, parameters)
Improved Ka 60 fire geometry
Fixed: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=1219 (wrong Ka 60 horizon indication)
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Latest dev update is client only (phew)

*** Arma 3 server is now available to be managed through TCAdmin. ***

GameService 35 port 2402
All TCA users should have access to this game service and can restart it if required.

For other admins the in-game password is same as before

For now it's running Xeno's Domination v2.99 although I'll need to make some changes to that mission to make it =VG= friendly.
-added VAS ammo system
-added AI suppression scripts

Currently there is a limitation where we can only one run instance of the dedicated server.. hopefully this gets fixed soon.

Also still no RCON or other remote management tools so kicks/bans will have to be done in-game. I am currently working on an admin slot system for the missions we run on the server which will allow admins to connect even if the server is full.
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SavageCDN =VG= LAN_WROTE ...

Latest dev update is client only (phew)

*** Arma 3 server is now available to be managed through TCAdmin. ***

GameService 35 port 2402
All TCA users should have access to this game service and can restart it if required.

For other admins the in-game password is same as before

For now it's running Xeno's Domination v2.99 although I'll need to make some changes to that mission to make it =VG= friendly.
-added VAS ammo system
-added AI suppression scripts

Currently there is a limitation where we can only one run instance of the dedicated server.. hopefully this gets fixed soon.

Also still no RCON or other remote management tools so kicks/bans will have to be done in-game. I am currently working on an admin slot system for the missions we run on the server which will allow admins to connect even if the server is full.

The server is not working (10:15AM EST), I am running the correct version of the Dev Build but it just stays on the loading screen as you attempt to join (zero players in server and its status is - creating). Any help is appreciated to get the server back up and running :)

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Defaults have been adjusted please let me know if there are more that should be changed.

I've also added some features for the admins to make their jobs a bit easier.

- dedicated admin slot under Civilians - will auto-kick after 20 secs unless you login
- admins can still login under any slot.. this just gives you a slot when the server is full

- once logged in admins will have access to Ghost Mode and Teleport Mode using scroll menu
- note that Ghost mode sets you as a captive to the enemy (ie: they won't fire at you), it does not make you invulnerable to bullets or other damage!

Mission is up and running now.

Also some server admins are reporting stuttering/hiccups during missions. If you notice this please post (saw yours already Reaper)
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Holy shit? You set up a TC admin template already? That's awesome. We need to work on making it easy to apply mass updates and stuff, though.

Since the server is going to be "rolling release" because its an alpha we should really look into tcadmins server update/upgrade feature. I might open a ticket with them and ask them for a brief overview as documentation is a bit scarce.
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Reaper LAN_WROTE ...

SavageCDN =VG= LAN_WROTE ...

It's amazing how quickly it happens when I break it myself :)

Haha...very true :)

Although......I still cannot Teleport from Base to any MHQ and no REVIVE :(

I was so free to made some adjustments to the server settings yesterday so it should be good again :)

SavageCDN =VG= LAN_WROTE ...

Defaults have been adjusted please let me know if there are more that should be changed.

I've also added some features for the admins to make their jobs a bit easier.

- dedicated admin slot under Civilians - will auto-kick after 20 secs unless you login
- admins can still login under any slot.. this just gives you a slot when the server is full

- once logged in admins will have access to Ghost Mode and Teleport Mode using scroll menu
- note that Ghost mode sets you as a captive to the enemy (ie: they won't fire at you), it does not make you invulnerable to bullets or other damage!

Mission is up and running now.

Also some server admins are reporting stuttering/hiccups during missions. If you notice this please post (saw yours already Reaper)

The server seems to have some hiccups when flying or driving mostly, I am not sure if this has something to do with rendering or sudden activities that gets triggered which may cause these.

SavageCDN =VG= LAN_WROTE ...

Latest dev update is client only (phew)

*** Arma 3 server is now available to be managed through TCAdmin. ***

GameService 35 port 2402
All TCA users should have access to this game service and can restart it if required.

For other admins the in-game password is same as before

For now it's running Xeno's Domination v2.99 although I'll need to make some changes to that mission to make it =VG= friendly.
-added VAS ammo system
-added AI suppression scripts

Currently there is a limitation where we can only one run instance of the dedicated server.. hopefully this gets fixed soon.

Also still no RCON or other remote management tools so kicks/bans will have to be done in-game. I am currently working on an admin slot system for the missions we run on the server which will allow admins to connect even if the server is full.

How do I access this?
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SolarFlame =VG= LAN_WROTE ...

Holy shit? You set up a TC admin template already? That's awesome. We need to work on making it easy to apply mass updates and stuff, though.

Since the server is going to be "rolling release" because its an alpha we should really look into tcadmins server update/upgrade feature. I might open a ticket with them and ask them for a brief overview as documentation is a bit scarce.

Yeah I just did a quick and dirty template probably has some things that can be changed. We'll have to scrap the source files anyway once the beta gets released in a month or two. For now we can only run one instance anyway. Is there a way we can setup A3 admins (non-members) as basic users that can only access that game page?

@Echo - you wont be able to access the TCAdmin pages yet for the servers - this is only for VG members and a few select server admins. We'll see if we can work something out there.. for now you'll have to join the server to do any admin tasks. Domi mission has an admin slot now in case the server is full.

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