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Arma 2 help required

=VG= Gaz

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I have had problems for a while as some people know with my arma. Any server we or lambs run gives me a massive FPS drop to roughly 5fps - Pretty much unplayable. Also on VG servers my ping begins to fluctuate from 45-5000 and anywhere between.
I have reinstalled battle-Eye with Savage in the past but we're pretty stumped on whats wrong with it. If anyone has any idea's please feel free to add them for me. I have genuinely no idea how to fix this...
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i have the same issue every event we have had the fps drops extremely low, like colds mission it was fine until we used the stranded crew and it spawned in extra AI (mods shouldnt impact fps...) just try it load your 40 mods and set a firefight between 50 AI and try it without mods. To conclude my point mission makers should watch out how much AI they have in the field at a time.
PS mso only had the problem after 2-3 hours of gameplay and without the headless client
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No. Its not due to the mods as the issue persist even on our regular arma vanilla server. I have honestly no idea what to do about it.

Its more a problem of getting weird lag on our servers and lambs servers, less about the FPS drop. The FPS drop will fix itself hopefully if i can fix this fluctuating ping problem.
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The LAMBS modline has a zillion mods in it. Try connect thru PWS with only the mods needs for the server (make a profile for each server). I reckon most server modlines are way outdated.

The only other thing I can think of is a startup parameter. Have a peek here: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma2:_Startup_Parameters
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