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Operation Lightstep - Day 1 - AAR

=VG= Calv

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OK, there were a lot of technical issues during the mission, but everyone did well getting on with things regardless.
As we were all together for most of the mission I'll skip the usual report, but if poff and castor could give a quick report of what occured at each of the camps that would be useful.

Anyone else feel free to post any comments, issues, stuff that went right/wrong etc.

Couple things from me:

Start time: Lots of people are turning up an hour or more early then getting a bit impatient when we don't start for ages, people need to get to grips with the timezone and daylight saving differences. Bookmark this page: http://www.timezoneconverter.com/cgi-bin/tzc.tzc There is a clock in GMT at the top.

Ammo boxes: Each team has one weapons crate with about 40 mags of Stanag (1200 rounds), and 5 boxes of M249 (1000 rounds). People were saying there was not enough ammo left which was likely the result of other team members stockpiling too much ammo. For the majority of missions you should not be carrying more than 10 mags of ammo. If people really think that more ammo is needed I will consider increasing the amount slightly.

Civilians: I think people may have been a bit too trigger happy with civilians, just because they are running or even running towards you, does not mean they are a threat. You'll generally be given the benefit of the doubt, but just try to avoid civilian casualties.

Commander role: I have considered adding a platoon commander role for awhile now, I have held off until we had enough people to make it a necessary. Now that we're running at least 2 squads and often an additional support asset it will be useful to have one. That said it is not a role I personally want, so I need people willing to step up. I will likely aim to have the commander either in the chopper or equipped with the Raven UAV so they can gain an overview of the AO.

Medical System: Leaning towards giving SLs medic abilities so they can use medkits for some basic healing, RTB will still be required to fully heal.

Chat: Due to the comms issues I let it slide a bit, but people shouldn't get used to being able to use the ingame chat. It was a one-off.
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SavageCDN =VG= LAN_WROTE ...

What were the tech issues? Problems with ACRE or ACE specifically? I saw this AM there was an update to CBA and ACE yesterday so perhaps some people had newer versions?

Was an issue with the interaction menu, pretty sure it was caused by attachment script so removed that.
Other thing was ACRE related, think you were there last week when it happened during training, were you can hear some people but not others.
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Excellent... so that is what jayarma2lib_new is for apparently - if you are running the beta you need the jayarma2lib_new version and no dsound.dll file in your directory whereas 'official' 1.60 version you need the older jayarma2lib and dsound.dll.

The lack of concise documentation on ACE and ACRE is astounding...anyone have any good links to share?


OK server has been updated and is running the latest beta patch. Please try and join using SU (delete your current preset and create new one). Also once the beta patch is installed you will need to restart SU (beta shows up as "expansion/beta" in your mods list). You can force the beta installation by clicking the Beta checkbox on the Home tab in SU.

With ACRE and beta it uses the jayarma2lib_new addon not the jayarma2lib one. If in doubt delete your @jayarma2lib once you have beta installed. You should also delete the dsound.dll file in your arma root directory

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