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2/6 AAR

=VG= Calv

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Ok team leads feel free to post a debrief of the mission. What you did, what went well, what went wrong, what can be improved etc.

Bravo Team:
After reaching the landing zone and sorting equipment, moved to a position NW of the radar site. Had visual on a lot of infantry and an active Shilka. Once Alpha and Charlie teams were in position we engaged the Shilka with a javelin and the provided heavy fire onto the radar site. After a few minutes most of the visible contacts were down and had received reports of Alpha and Charlie being under heavy fire from contacts on the other side of the hill so Bravo started to move in. Reached the bunker without issue, cleared out a couple lone survivors and moved to the radar, by which point both other teams had also arrived there. Satchels were placed by another team and we pulled back to the landing zone to restock on AT and ammo.

Took up position NW of the military base and provided recon for the teams moving in to assault. Had spotted several mounted guns in the guard towers, several enemy squads and at least two armoured vehicles that were possible to become active. After a few minutes of heavy suppression while Alpha and Charlie moved in we only had visual on a handful of contacts that were too far for us to efficiently engage so we began to move towards the West gate. Engaged about a squad's worth of enemies in the area of the west gate and to the south. Avoided contact with the active vehicles as another squad had started moving in to neutralise. After clearing the area started searching buildings until Alpha located and killed the enemy officer providing the informant's location.

After taking mortar fire en route to the informant location Bravo team scrambled south and mopped up the remains of a UAZ crew then kept moving west along the south side of the road. While the other teams were engaged East of the compounds we entered from the south and moved northwards with little contact. An enemy squad was spotted to the west of the compound but we were unable to engage due to obstructions, information was passed along to other teams. About halfway through the compounds we came under heavy fire from the north near the informant area so I moved to a nearby roof. I engaged several hostiles in the informant area then Bravo began moving north and all three teams arrived at the informant location at the same time.

We arrived at the villa on the North side and had visual on two guardtowers with mounted weapons and a patrol around the chopper of about 5 contacts. We had no visual on the main building or the south side of the villa so we held position until the other teams were ready to assault, then neutralised the guard towers and started moving in to the north side of the main building. We cleared the building along with another team and then relaxed and watched the fireworks.

While the other teams moved towards the airport in Zargabad, Bravo moved SE of the objective and moved in on foot. Multiple armoured contacts had been reported outside the target area at which point we moved onto a nearby roof and we were passed by at least two BTRs moving east, I then engaged a T-55 outside the target building with a javelin but believed it to still be active and Charlie moved into to provide additional AT. Bravo continued to move along the south side of the buildings and cleared the target area.

The final objective was located in a large open area so we moved to the hill to the East and I believe were followed by the other teams, we came under heavy fire from the tank and took a few casualties from exploding vehicles. When all were patched up we provided sniper fire onto the target area neutralising several mounted guns on the bunker towers and a hostile squad gathering near the NW side of the area. We then provided recon for the teams preparing to enter the compound and held position until the Target was liquidated.

Overall the mission was good fun, we had some decent teamwork going on with little planning and organising which is good. Towards the end of the mission I noticed in my team that some of the focus and they were becoming increasingly chatty drowning out the squad radio at times, but considering the length of the mission that isn't hugely surprising and not a major issue.
My only criticism for the other FTLs is that the Alpha team lead needs to focus on brevity when on the radio and giving team orders. Try to adjust to using single words rather than full sentences. E.G: 'Alpha, Taking Fire, NW." "Contact, South, 200" etc
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Hmm... I really should do these on the day of the event. Played so much Arma this weekend I've forgotten what the hell happened!!

I thought the contact drills we did at first were great practice.. it's a lot harder than it looks.

The mission we played at the end was kind of a cluster-frack at the start but turned out to be quite fun.

Thanks again to Calv for the training mission and organization.

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missed the DZ and touched down with no gear - 1km to the west.

linked up with Lupago and the rest of the squad and proceeded towards AA Camp.

left AA Camp after re-supply and attacked enemy main base, encountered medium resistance but managed to get inside the walls unscathed. I planted a satchel between the two enemy Helos, enemy assets successfully removed.

that's all i can remember from the day, thought Lupago may have put something up by now but it seems not :)
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