This is not a post to goad people into getting rid of their hard earned cash and Holiday bonuses, nor to debate the means by which we acquire the funds to keep this thing that is VG going, but as we move into the new year, I would like to encourage those who ARE able to give back to the community that keeps your favorite public servers online.
At present, we have compacted and compiled our fees to the most sensible and fiscally responsible means, including a rather cut-and-run migration of our community website which has cost us the loss of many images, video files, downloadables hosting, and even some problems viewing the multiple pages of posts under certain forum post catagories, to where we only need to come up with a rather minimum amount of monies to make ends meet and keep alive the servers and website that is VETERANS-GAMING.
We are able to offer Arma 2 and Arma 3 persistent servers and Community Event servers for both, private Minecraft Servers, a persistent Falcon BMS Korean War Campaign, as well as The Most Popular COOP Server for Battlefield 2: Project Reality Mod thanks to the =VG= PR Dev MelonMuncher, whom without his hard work, Project Reality COOP would not exist as a game mode for the masses to play anywhere.
We are working on the website issues, albeit an e107 system that even the webmaster SolarFlame has been taxed in repairing. Know that us head admins have it all covered - but it is a bit selfish for the few people whose names the bills are in to pay them all themselves. Regardless of whether we receive donations, VG will continue to pay the website server and game server bills, but needless to say, the contributing members should not have to do so all alone.
If you ARE able, and are willing, please consider donating a few bucks to your local server, and show some love. SolarFlame is a tribute to the hard work he has done for VG, in that his experience and knowledge in technical matters over the years for this community was his only reference for his new job as an IT professional with a company in London, far from his home in Scotland. Special Thanks for all he has done to help with the VG website!!
Also, SavageCDN has been footing the bill for our game servers for more years than I can count - a very powerful server through which hard work and technical knowhow has been able to host not only the TeamSpeak 3 Server (100 Potential Clients at once) but also runs each and every public server we play on without conflict, lag, or any extended down time. Not bad for a single CPU server (8 cores, and tons of RAM) - he also deserves a little love before the wifey starts braining him with an iron skillet. We all contribute in different ways to help keep VG running.
I, SemlerPDX, have taken up the task of keeping our Falcon BMS Online Campaign Server functioning; and a special thanks goes out to a little known VG Member, Belgriffin, who keeps that server hardware running and up to date year after year. This is my only way of donating at present, time spent each morning of each day in the week. Contact me if this has issues, and I will always drop what I am doing to keep the VG Korean Theatre of War available to all who would fly under the VG Flag. Also, know that the VETERANS-GAMING Founder BLuDKLoT is still with us, if only in spirit, as he has had difficulty lately with keeping an internet connection at his new home. Though he may not be around as often as he would like, I speak with him frequently and he is indeed still our heart and soul. Know that you can always contact me for anything you require, as I will always act with honor and respect as his right hand.
"To help those in need is to honor yourself" VETERANS-GAMING Arma 2 COOP Insurgency Video
Please dig deep - current members, active =VG= administrators, new community members, and all the rest. Please show your support by giving what you can, and to those who donate already via time spent administrating and to those who give back in other ways, rest easy and keep doing what you do to promote and support your local servers. We know that not everyone can donate money, but even time spent keeping VETERANS-GAMING a clean, fun place to be is a way to donate - this request for cash is not geared at you. Simply put, we need cash from those ABLE - for all the rest, just keep showing your love by doing what you do, or simply populating our TS3 and game servers and promoting the COOP TeamPlay spirit that is VG.
This coming year, we plan to have a proper professional website. For now, we are still at a stage that requires direct community support, and we humbly ask those who are able to donate cash to do so now.
Thank you for reading and thank you to all our supporters, either monetarily or administratorily.
Long Live The VETERANS-GAMING Community!!