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Everything posted by shadowrydr

  1. I cannot get the Jagstang BMS2 profile to upload to my controllers as there is an issue with the throttle range info. I have followed all the directions to the letter and it will still not work. Any help appreciated. Thanks RJ ERROR 2077: The Active Calibration File doesn't exist. When using a THR_RANGE statement, the compiler needs to grab the throttle's calibration data from a Cougar Calibration File (*.ccf) that you've selected in the CCP as the one pertaining to your current setup. This file is called the Active Calibration File. And this error means that there isn't one or it's been deleted.
  2. SavageCDN, Thank you... your help is much appreciated.. the first test with FSX worked. So I will move forward with installing all this path.. Cheers RJ
  3. I have just purchased a new computer and it came with a 30 Gig SSD as drive C and is the boot drive. And it has a 2TB D drive. I am trying to install my games, FSX, FF5, Falcon OF and do not know how to do it. The games want to write things to the SSD which with the OS and MS 2010 office suite is now full. How would one go about loading the games to the 2TB D drive? Any help with detailed explianation or a link to a site to explain this would be most apprieciated. Thanks RJ
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