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About DeadBoss420

  • Birthday 04/11/1988

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Private (1/18)



  1. When have I ever broken a rule on the server? Never, infact I try to tell others to follow them as best as I can. I am never disruptive, aside from today, when you refused to even respond to my complaint that someone in a squad called "Charlie" stole my bradley. Please correct me if I am wrong, but your server rules STATE that you MUST be in a properly named squad for your asset, or be re-assigned by an ADMIN(AKA you). I was very frustrated after several messages for you to help me, which I didnt even recieve a response. After "being disruptive" enough to get your attention, you refused to do anything about the person, and basically let them break the rules for the remainder of the round. You say I am not a teamplayer, by what standard exactly? Because I dont yell at everyone for making mistakes, threatening to ban them for dumb stuff like "stop standing on the road or you are banned". In MY OPINION, that is the exact opposite of teamplay, and you are a horrible example for your clan. How is killing over 100 enemies in a round not teamplay? I am reducing their numbers so others can do their job. You asked all the armor to merge, which is impossible considering that all armor could not fit into one squad. You then insulted me further by saying im not a teamplayer, due to me following the server rules. There is a reason why I have been playing on this server for over a month now, and never been banned. I follow the rules. Stop making up stories like I have broken many- or ANY- rules before. Furthermore, just like Bludklot said, that is not your rules to kick and threaten a ban for people who have made an honest mistake. I suggest people start watching YOU because you are seriously abusing your power as an admin.
  2. I was playing as a bradley, when someone was calling out for support. As I was looking at my map (caps lock), I accidentally hit a mine that was hard to see on the map due the writing on the map. So I died, forgave the person who "TKed" me due to it being my own dumb fault, and then got kicked by Badploy, who im sure just has it out for me. He says next time I do that I will recieve a ban, like ive been doing this the entire round or something. I have never hit a friendly mine ever, this was the first time- not only in that round but ever. So... what rule did I break? I looked at your rules and I couldnt see one that says "will be kicked/banned for making an honest mistake". Maybe consider adding that in if that is how you roll.
  3. Hello everyone! I am a huge fan of your PR coop server, and am just wondering how I can join the clan. Its nice when you dont have idiots tking and destroying assets(im assuming you have already banned most of them) but even sometimes I run into a few ruining the game for everyone. Not that I expect you to just hand over admin right away, but I am interested in doing a little bit of "babysitting" if you will, as sometimes an admin is nowhere in sight. Along with PR I also play vanilla BF2, and BC2 (if i can find the damn cd key >.
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