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Posts posted by Dr_Cyanide

  1. Robot, you've never been with me when I've built a fob there, we have really good team work on the squad level and I think that whackin' tanks with a TOW is a positive for teamwork and teamplay. I will add however the reason why you weren't seeing planes over your area is that they were busy trying bombing my TOW and the two Bradley APC's that came over to my position since we're the closest target when they spawn in. They got one of my APC's them as we were talking, and I was finding a place to set up my AA when you warned me about my FOB.
    I seriously doubt you were really being overrun over there and and call your last statement mostly wrong because yes, killing them definitely disrupts their movement! (Go figure! they're fkin' dead!) Majority of the bots spawn on Kashan spawn in the APC's that are at the main, and when we kill 'em there! This reduces the number of bots in the bunkers! I just don't get why you've never called me on this before, because we've both played Kashan together before this and you've never complained about me building a fob there in the past!
  2. Hi all I got an issue that I would like to have resolved. I was playing on June 30th at ~1015EST and the map was Kashan and had Lamb2 and another guy in my squad. The server had about 10-12 people on it and the map started off and I took my small squad and made a B-line straight to my usual spot in the mountains overlooking approx 750m west the Bot Main with a TOW and an HMG. Two bradleys joined me about 200m north of my FOB. About 3 minutes into and having killed only an APC and a Havoc that was already airborne --RobotFungus hails me over the team chat and tells me to back off the main. We immediately stopped shooting and asked why? He said that we couldn't because it was camping and ruined the gameplay. I was in the middle of typing out a message about how the bunkers were going to be over run with T-72's when he gave me a second warning to back off. I immediately complied and backed off and said I didn't agree with him and I would take it to the forums. I was not kicked or banned. I request the chat logs from the incident be posted.
    Now here's my issue!
    I've been a player on VG PR CO-OP since atleast 2010, played many (maybe hundreds) of rounds on Kashan on the server, and that's been my usual thing to go ahead of the team and set up a fob to the kill tanks and allow the team to advance on the bunkers and the other flags. I've done this DOZENS OF TIMES! and I've never been told once before to back off the main until now. CO-OP PR Kashan has alot of tanks, and that's typically the hardest obstacle to overcome to win the map is the onslaught of a stream of T-72's. I don't agree with Robot Fungus's opinion that shooting tanks with a tow posted far away the MEC main hurts gameplay, especially when there is a low number of uncoordinated people on the server. I run a good squad up there and we do really good teamwork to keep our TOWS, HMG's and Hat's full of ammo and we always have a good time, I don't see what the problem is about having a FOB up there is, and don't agree with RobotFungus. I would like BludKlot or someone to make a formal ruling as to wether or not camping mains is allowed on the server and have it stated in the server rules if is.
    -Thanks in advance.
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