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About Uncle_ISMO

  • Birthday 06/03/1972

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Private (1/18)



  1. I became aware about a year ago that sometimes we die from that mircale shot across an entire map/zone with a knife or shotgun. This was no good to me as a Marine I employ integrity in my dialy life. Yet, sitting there coming across the audio line was something reminecent to the sound one would get after a dial up modem connects and authenticates...you know that modulating grating tone back and forth. This gave me a raging clue!!! For an entire month I decided not only to MUTE all toons in a given game(free play only) and war with my 'character' screen up full time. This helped me watch for the inevitable 'dropiing and re-joining to spectate' method that was being used. What I also discovered is that it shut down all illegal; methods of gaming...yea, it stopped cheats from coming across. Why you ask? They cant exactly shove that crap over the normal lines as they would be caught and permantly banned. If you notice, when you start an online available game it tells you "Online interactions are not rated". Part of what they are telling you is that ONLY the game server itself, not the audio/video chat servers, are 'rated'(Im trying to keep others from using this thread to become the problem(s).) Now, there are a couple of other thing to know: 1) CONFIRMED BY NOLAN HASS(SCEA Consumer Affiars): They can send a virus attached to a message/friend request header. I dont know about the XBox but the PS3 is rather unique and higly uninfectable on a permanent basis. If you get a message from an unknown 'assalant' simply delete it...it will mnake muting ineffective. If you happen to open the message just re-start your system. Its whats called an operating enviroment vs. MS operating system. Thats why it really cant be PERMANTLY infected. 2) In team matches they have the ability to put toons on both sides. You cant stop that one as its not using anything other than what the game gives. How they do this with multiple toons WILL NOT BE DISCUSSED. Its been great to be able to snipe again without some dude coming up, watching via killcam, look down into a bush that has NO DISERNIBLE TOON IN IT and stb me even when I hadnt fired a swhot for ten minutes...and again I was watching for 'spec-taters'. If you object to this info being up, realise that NO-ONE is going to pay someone for their COD or BF2 scores. You cant save 20% on your car insurance. What 15-19 year old main buyers are they trying to impress. Yup, we are making the game safe for kids once again...not to mention when someone has a 'fake radar' running and I aint on it, I can pretty much walk right upto im before they realise I got better juju than they ever will!!!
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