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Posts posted by lotherk

  1. I have the same issues.

    I'm running win10 64bit, firewall is disabled but I added the 32bit bms exe to the allowed applications nevertheless. I can successfully connect to a bunch of servers except the veteran's. 

    I've added portforwards to my lan computer (not sure if this is actually needed as a client since NAT should manage it (and does with all the other servers I can connect to)). My router is a freebsd based system (opnsense) and I'm fairly sure it can't be the issue. I have no way to replace it and don't see the need for as I'm using it since years for everything without any problems. I even allowed all connections from the veteran's server IP, still no luck. Since I can't ping the server (none of my friends can so I assume ping is blocked) I don't know what latency I have. My ISP is Vodafone (Germany) with a 400/25 MBit connection. I also can't see any incoming connections from the veteran's server in the firewall log and tcpdump (it does also handle udp, don't get confused by the name).

    I have added a firewall rule on my router to allow incoming ping packets from the veteran's IP so if an admin could ping me from the server (you should get my ip from this post, if not, pm me and I give it to you) and check if the latency might be an issue that would be great!

    Traceroute ends at 

    14 (  144.265 ms * *

    (full traceroute from the 4th hop on: https://nopaste.xyz/?33960b9f410a187c#u/Agwpr/m00kbsNEub8i5CBTTcp0lgdewauGtLdzENw= )

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