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Everything posted by manfromjam_1

  1. There are two files included in the Zip folder. HawkeyeHOTAS_r3s4.key HawkeyesHOTAS_bms4.32_2.pr0 Please put the included keyfile (ends in ".key") into your "C:\Games\Falcon BMS 4.32\User\Config" (please replace "C" with the appropriate letter if you have falcon installed on a different drive). Start the game and load the keyfile from the setup screen under controllers. The saitek file (.pr0)should go into your saitek profile directory along with your other profiles and loaded prior to starting the game. The profile for bms 4.32 v.5 for Saitek x45 - Uses double shift states for more logical layout (also easier to remember button assignments.) - Vhf Uhf link and Comms on second shift state - Shoot push to talk on second shift state. May need to change shoot comms button in shoot program - Trimming is on second shift state falcon_bms.zip
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