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Everything posted by sirisma

  1. Just to clear things up in case anybody reads this later... I deliberately use my laptop instead of my desktop to stay connected to TS so that people CAN get a hold of me. I've been Twitch streaming and Youtubering lately so not hearing what goes on in TS helps. Also, I'm constantly connected to my own clan's TS so I can't multitask both TS on my computer. I'm looking at some of you
  2. Rotblut LAN_WROTE ... To be honest, who are you? That actually hurts. http://www.veterans-gaming.com/vg-plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?36554.0 Rotblut LAN_WROTE ... just sitting in our PR COOP channel, not talking to anybody nor being in the PR game itself. https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/
  3. I have a laptop that I use to stay connected to various Teamspeak servers so I can monitor chat. I have no audio including notification sounds so the only way to notice activity is to look. Earlier today, after having been afk on TS for about 18 hours I was permabanned. I don't know why. You were banned permanently from the server by "=VG= Nvram" A few weeks ago, keed suggested to me that I should reapply for admin for the PR server. Not too long after that I started getting messed with by seemingly everybody. I'm not sure if this is part of the joke but if it is, it isn't funny.
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